Monday, July 8

Criminal trespass warning
110 S. Bullard Street
A named subject was served an indefinite CTW to address listed.

Reckless driver
Highway 180 and Saddlerock Canyon Road
(Redacted) is the company name on a white utility truck that almost ran her off the roadway/vehicle is headed toward Silver City. Lost cell service with caller. Deputy went traffic with vehicle MM 112 (1 mile east of Oakwood Estates)/valid and clear.

Unattended death
Century Drive – San Lorenzo
89-year-old male fell and unresponsive/not breathing/last seen awake about 10 minutes ago/caller's daughter is an EMT and is there. Deputy advised funeral home is on scene.

Domestic disturbance
Grand Mesa Drive
Caller advised her 25-year-old daughter is trying to leave with her 2-year-old child and caller doesn't want her to leave/daughter suffers from mental health issues/daughter's girlfriend is standing outside right now/she was asked to leave after trying to get involved in the situation.

Stolen motor vehicle
Highway 180
Caller says they stole his Harley-Davidson SLSTF from the Church of God yesterday/it is his son's motorcycle. Deputy advised out with caller.

Suicide threat
E. Timmer Way
No report.

North Hurley Road
Caller advised he is 17-years-old and is being threatened by his father/father kicked him out of the house 2 years ago and now is making the threats/he is afraid and he is a father now as well. Deputy spoke with father who advised the son is threatening harm to him as well.

Tuesday, July 9

Spring Creek Road
Two trash barrels were stolen/caller says the Sanitation Department picked them up and she did pay for them. Deputy called caller.

Reckless driver
E. Highway 180 and Madison Road
Deputy advised have a Santa Clara Police Department officer ATL for a blue Dodge Dakota with a black trailer/XCPD officer had negative contact/Bayard PD officer had negative contact.

Welfare check
S. Highway 90 @Apache Mound
White pickup with camper shell appears to be broken down/male walking along the highway. Deputy has contact with vehicle at entrance to Tyrone Mine/male advised he doesn't need any help/is walking along the highway with his dog.

Wednesday, July 10

Welfare check
Bornite and Malachite streets – Tyrone
Female could hear a woman screaming for help. Second caller advised female was standing in the middle of the roadway/she tried to stop caller/she was crying and holding a rag to her face. Deputies out with a female by the post office/out at a Tobernite address with open door.

DVO served x 4
Locations redacted
No reports or narratives.

Suicide threat
Rio de Arenas Road
No report.

Suspicious vehicle
Highway 35 – Nature Conservancy property
Deputy made contact with the truck who is working for this location/caller was advised.

Rio de Arenas Road
They are there now harassing (redacted)/wants LE to go now. Deputy advised no one is at the residence/spoke with neighbors and caller.

Unwanted subject
Broken Arrow Drive – Silver Acres
Two named people trying to steal a trailer and other property. Caller called back advising they left in a black Avalanche/wants CTW issued if contact is made. Deputy put out ATL for (redacted).

Unattended death
Hideaway Lane
Caller advised he found his sister. Deputy requested OMI/OMI en route/Terrazas on scene.

Suspicious vehicle
Nikis Road
Subjects in a red Mustang in the cul-de-sac have been there for about an hour and a half. Deputy out with vehicle.

Welfare check
Buckhorn Drive -- Buckhorn
Across 180 she can see a glowing light and is concerned if it is a fire. Called caller back confirming the glow she is seeing is the same as the fire called in by Forest Service on Summit Mountain.

Domestic disturbance
Placer Street – Pinos Altos
Boyfriend is drunk and throwing things/acting erratic/she wants him removed from the residence. Deputy advised everything verbal/male left prior to arrival. (Redacted) on the phone advising (redacted) hit him and pushed him and is drunk/he was only trying to get his stuff.

Thursday, July 11

Suspicious vehicle
End of Summit
White vehicle turned its lights off when passing and is now just parked at the end of the road. Caller called back stated he heard a female scream from where the vehicle is at. Deputies were advised/contact with vehicle at end of Summit/have one in investigative detention/send next wrecker(?) on rotation.

Prisoner transport x 6
GCSO; Los Lunas; GCSO; Dona Ana; GCSO; redacted
No reports or narratives.

Welfare check
Mountain View Road
67-year-old male has been sick and now his children and caller cannot get a hold of him. Deputy advised everything is okay/will call caller.

Hermosa Street – Hanover
Stated she had a trail camera set up and saw a male take the camera/driving a green truck. Caller called back advising someone threw her game camera on the roadway in front of her residence. Deputy going to ATL the area.

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