HospDocThis Sunday, July 21 at 3pm, the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign invites the public to the Bayard Community Center for a Sunday Matinee of the half-hour documentary American Hospitals: Healing a Broken System.

After the film, Hidalgo Medical Services Chief Medical Officer Isaac Saucedo will join Health Security Campaign Director Mary Feldblum for a discussion - including current initiatives here in New Mexico to address the issues it raises.

This short but powerful documentary explores our increasingly troubled hospitals. Behind all the closures, soaring prices, medical debt, bankruptcy, surprise bills, depersonalized care, provider burnout and high turnover is a fragmented system. Among other problems, health care facilities are falling increasingly into the hands of corporate ownership, a trend that many reputable studies have linked to increased costs, poorer outcomes, and control of medical decisions by non-medical personnel.

In the documentary, Dr. Susan Rogers of Physicians for a National Health Program says, "The business model is not based on providing care. It is based on making money."

The New Mexico Office of the Superintendent is currently engaged in a public process to create healthcare consolidation oversight with legislation to be introduced in the 2025 legislative session. Feldblum will be sharing details as well as speaking on other efforts to address systemic healthcare challenges.

Audience questions and comments are highly encouraged. Sweet and savory gourmet empanadas freshly baked by Provencio's will be provided. The event is sponsored by the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign and Silver City LULAC.

Panel members:

Mary Feldblum has a Ph.D. in Sociology with a minor in Economics. She has almost three decades of experience working on health-related issues in New Mexico, and is the Executive Director of the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign – a broad coalition of over 170 organizations that support a comprehensive statewide health plan that guarantees affordable health care for all New Mexicans.

Isaac Saucedo is Chief Medical Officer at Hidalgo Medical Services, a Silver City native with 26 years of clinical experience. He and other leaders at HMS deal with broader industry challenges every day as they provide care to individuals with public, private, and no insurance.

View the film trailer at https://youtu.be/DqUs1GUgHB4?si=u5KEogeElIIOp4Vj.  For more information email hsnmc.contact@gmail.com  or call 860-655-6907.

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