Monday, July 15

Unwanted subject
703 Silver Heights Blvd.
Male in back of restaurant bothering customers/want him issued a CTW. Officer re-issued Lorenzo Flores a CTW.

Criminal damage to property
Fowler Avenue
A named male broke the window to his residence and is hitting the other windows trying to break them/he was on foot. Officers on scene.

Welfare check
Highway 90 and Cooper Street
Male on the side of the road not moving. Deputies had contact with male/he is okay/was told to stay off the roadway.

Welfare check
Pinos Altos Road – The Flame
Male in the middle of the roadway trying to stop traffic/caller advised he appears to be in distress. Officer had negative contact.

Domestic disturbance

111 S. Texas Street – Gospel Mission
A named male punched another named male/other male refused medical/first male headed toward Visitor Center.

3078 32nd Street Bypass – CYFD
A named 16-year-old male is causing a disturbance at the office/caller says he gets triggered by LE and may be combative. Officers en route to GRMC with juvi/en route to SCPD with juvi/transporting juvenile to Dona Ana Juvenile Detention Center.

Suicide threat
Elias Street
No report.

Domestic disturbance
Bard Street
Caller just got into a fight with his sister and her husband and he is bleeding from his nose. Second caller said her brother beat her up/she was crying and yelling to send the cops/she was very upset and disconnected the line. Officer requested ambulance for a 68-year-old male bleeding from his face and ear.

A named walk-in.

Welfare check
15th Street
Caller's sister told caller she was scared for her life and the only way out was to kill herself/she doesn't want male residents to know the reason for the welcheck/concerned they might hurt her if they know.

Unwanted subject
1007 Pope Street
Stated she cannot get into the building reference several homeless subjects standing by the door. Officer advised NMSP pulled traffic in front of HMS and the two subjects left prior to arrival/clear.

Tuesday, July 16

Criminal trespass warning
111 S. Texas – Gospel Mission
Caller wants an indefinite CTW issued to a named male/he has already left the location. Officer was advised.

Criminal trespass warning
Pinos Altos Road
Caller requests indefinite CTW be issued to a named male.

Welfare check
211 W. Highway 180
Homeless female left her belongings at the Pretty Palace/she is screaming and has a little dog with her/across from Pizza Hut. Officer - Deaun Murphy.

Welfare check
301 N. Bullard Street
Caller was asked by customer to call about a named male smoking drugs on the sidewalk. Officer had negative contact with male.

Welfare check
North Loop
Caller from NM Counseling Associates advised a client has suicidal ideations and is threatening to kill herself/she was on video session and she disconnected the session. Officer advised knocked on the door and windows several times with no response.

Unwanted subject
1960 E. Highway 180
Gila Realty – Someone has broken into her storage building/he is still in the area/he has a backpack and a little black and white dog. Officers issued Mitchell Knapp a CTW for this address.

Welfare check
Silver City Post Office
Male lying on the ground by the exit/it is the one who is always there. Officer out with Robert Kastinstein.

Unwanted subject
S. Highway 90
Caller's son is on his property/he wants him removed. Officer had negative contact.

2154 E. Highway 180
In the alley by the ditch a male is bleeding from his head/a security officer is there with his dog and gun and is the one who assaulted the male. EMS2 and EMS10 staging at the Dollar Tree. Caller called back advising it is Harbor Freight not Tractor Supply. 61-year-old male with multiple lacerations to the back of his head.

Criminal trespass warning
2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments – 1:56 p.m.
Three kids, two girls and one boy, are causing problems at location. Caller called back advising the kids are still there and identified the apartment. Officer made contact with caller.

Gough Park
A named male with white hair is causing problems/they do not want him there.

Unwanted subject
N. Kimberly Drive
Caller says Ring camera shows a male in her yard. Officer made contact with caller and viewed camera images.

2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments – 5:34 p.m.
Caller says kids are being harbored in one of the apartments and one of the girls had a CTW to that apartment and does not want caller to call. Caller says these kids are always causing a problem.

Criminal trespass warning
San Vicente Street
Stated a named female is on the property and not supposed to be/she is inside her dad's house.

2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments
Subjects banging on windows and doors trying to get some females out/can hear females yelling. Officer advised all units out on foot behind the NMSP office.

Suspicious vehicle
2707 E. Highway 180
Advised a red Chevy pickup in the front parking lot with two males sitting inside/they keep going in and out of the store/caller is calling on behalf of the employees who are female. Officer out with the two males advising they were getting items for their job/everything is okay.

Welfare check
N. Gold and E. Kelly streets
Male sitting at the intersection stated they look like a "zombie"/stated he does not want to be seeing that in his neighborhood/could not tell if they were a male or female. Officer out with Shannon Meath.

Reckless driver
N. Bullard Street and W. Broadway
Advised dark blue vehicle with white lights underneath racing up and down Bullard Street. Officer went traffic with vehicle Silver and 19th streets/did two driver's license checks.

31st Street
Tenant harassing caller over the phone/she is making threats toward caller/it's an ongoing

Wednesday, July 17

Unwanted subject
703 Silver Heights Blvd.
Male is asleep and has been there for a few hours/no CTW/just wants him to move along. Officer advised the male is leaving upon request.

Criminal trespass warning
2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments
Caller advised two females are inside the apartment and they have a CTW. Officer made contact with caller who advised they left prior to arrival.

Welfare check
1810 N. Swan Street
Caller advised someone has been parked at the gas pumps for a long time/she did try getting him to leave but he went back to being slumped over. Gold Toyota Corolla/Pump 2/male keeps going to sleep.

Unwanted subject
Visitor Center
A named individual is sitting on the property/she has a CTW. Officer re-issued Shannon Meath the CTW/she is leaving the property.

Welfare check
W. 13th Street
A named 79-year-old male has not been seen or heard from since at least Saturday/it is very unusual not to hear from him. Officer had negative contact/called caller.

Criminal trespass warning
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
Caller from SOS advised a named male is on the property and needs to be removed reference criminal damage he did/he is not currently causing issues but is refusing to leave/wants a CTW issued. Officer has contact and issued the CTW to Jeremy Abeyta and he is leaving.

Welfare check
Cottonwood Road and Cain Drive
Female in her 50s is walking in her underwear/walking north on Cottonwood. GCSO deputy had contact with a named female/she is wearing clothing.

Welfare check
N. Bullard and W. Market streets – 5:18 p.m.
Male lying down on the sidewalk. Officer – Kevin Matthew Fox/clear locally.

Welfare check
311 N. Bullard Street – 5:57 p.m.
Male passed out on the sidewalk next to the Silco. Contact with Matthew Fox/he will be leaving the area.

2501 E. Highway 180
Male just ran out into the parking lot with two backpacks full of items/unknown where he went.

Welfare check
Santa Rita Street
A child is sitting in front of the location crying/she is in distress/no one is there. Officer had contact with residents/everything is okay.

DV order violation
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Advised that a named female texted the male caller. Officers spoke to caller.

Welfare check
1810 N. Swan Street
Intoxicated male trying to get caller's attention/unknown what he wants and caller does not want to get too close to him/caller does not feel safe. Officer – units clear/everything is okay.

Welfare check
1105 E. Highway 180
Someone lying on the sidewalk in front of McDonald's. Officer advised clear/everything is okay.

Thursday, July 18

Criminal trespass warning
1120 E. Highway 180
Male at the very top of the stairs/they have asked him to leave and he refuses.

Unwanted subject
703 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller from Denny's advised two males are sleeping and will not leave/one is in a booth with his hands down his pants/other at the bar/caller wants a CTW to be issued. Officer advised Nathan Johnson issued an indefinite CTW.

N. Gold Street
House is abandoned due to homeowner passing away/caller advised he helps watch the house and yesterday he noticed someone broke into the garage and stole some batteries and what not.

Welfare check
Gough Park
Male slumped over with a possible bottle. Officer advised male is okay/advised male to lay down somewhere else/he is heavily intoxicated.

Criminal trespass warning
2501 E. Highway 180
A named female with a small dog is in the middle near jewelry and has an active CTW. Officer had negative contact.

915 Silver Heights Blvd.
Red Ford Ranger/they stole cookies/now they are trying to take them back in the store. Officer advised out with subject Silver and 19th/running at Super Snappy/on foot behind Watts Hall/back in unit/ran driver's licenses on three subjects.

1040 E. Highway 180
Caller advised she is looking over the cameras and can see someone tried opening the safe and also took something from behind the desk.

Welfare check
Omega Place
Caller from GRMC Oncology advised they were on the phone with a 70-year-old named male and suggested he go to the ER to get a few symptoms looked at/male did not want to and started screaming and yelling/caller advised he does suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, and cancer. Officer advised male is okay.

Unwanted subject
S. Highway 90
A named male is there and caller wants him removed and issued an indefinite CTW. Officer issued Nick Maldonado the indefinite CTW for this location.

Unwanted subject
Penny Park – 5:20 p.m.
Caller advised a woman was throwing rocks and calling her 12-year-old niece vulgar names. Officer advised Shannon Meath left location.

201 E. 14th Street
Advised that a named female's bicycle was taken from behind the building/she has the film footage of someone taking it. Officer advised left prior to arrival/they will call back if she returns.

2334 Ranch Club Road
Stated two named subjects got the keys back and want to report everything they know that was taken. Officer advised at the request of caller request county unit respond to take a report. Deputy advised clear/they are going to get a list of all the items and call back.

2501 E. Highway 180
Cody Tatum in custody/ SCPD officer advised has subject/officer and deputy are enroute to Walmart to take back the items/officer advised Tatum released on a CTA and issued a CTW for Walmart.

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