Monday, July 15

Weapons fired
Bill Evans Lake
Advised subjects in two boats on north side of the lake by the dam/there have been 10 shots they have fired over the lake. Deputy advised will head over to the north side to check.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
Bataan Memorial Park
Someone spray-painted all the equipment.

Missing persons
Spring Creek Road
Caller advised her mother was supposed to return caller's daughter to her Wednesday but hasn't/this happened after an altercation with caller and her family. Deputy spoke with caller and she was highly upset and stated she did not want to speak with GCSO nor SCPD, advising NMSP is handling it now. Deputy advised was told to call her and she hung up the phone.

Unwanted subject
Kneeling Nun Road – Hanover
Caller advised a named male (not his real name) is in her house not allowing her to leave/he was a guest last night and now causing problems and claiming she stole his wallet. Caller advised her husband is not home/male is claiming to be her husband but isn't/this man is in one of the upstairs bedrooms/she doesn't know where he is now.

Tuesday, July 16

Stolen motor vehicle
Casa Grande Street
Caller says her motor home was stolen/Chevy/dolphin blue and white/last saw it at her daughter's house two days ago. Deputies advised neighbor advised it was picked up last night.

Male in the middle of the road throwing things at cars and screaming. Deputies had contact with male/dropped him off at county building.

Welfare check
11793 E. Highway 180
Caller advised his kids, ages 4 and 5-years-old, have been missing since last year and thinks his ex-wife may be at her mother's house. Caller has paperwork that he has custody/wants a call back. Deputy advised clear/tried to make contact with homeowner/negative contact.

Mental health complaint
Mathers Road – Arenas Valley
Advised that male is banging his head against caller's vehicle/advised he is hearing voices in his head and is starting to hurt himself. Deputy advised one in protective custody.

Suspicious vehicle
Highway 211 – Airport Mesa – 9:59 p.m.
Advised vehicle has two busted out windows and has towels or blankets covering two of the windows. NMSP officer advised couple traveling from Florida to California/will be gone first thing in the morning/everything is okay.

Wednesday, July 17

Accident-property damage
Highway 90 – MM 27 (Cullum Road)
Caller advised she hit a deer last night.

Domestic disturbance
Zocalo – Arenas Valley
16-year-old female and mom are physically fighting at location/caller declined medical/caller is outside/her mom is inside. DL Check.

Cottage San to White Signal
(Redacted) followed caller from Cottage San Road all the way to White Signal/he left after caller's boyfriend came outside.

Welfare check
Highway 61 – Lower Mimbres
Advised 70-year-old mother hasn't answered her phone in over 24 hours/she has a history of heart problems. Caller called back stating his mother called him back/does not need a welcheck.

Unattended death
Juniper Lane – Upper Mimbres
87-year-old father collapsed and is not breathing. Deputy requests OMI.

Thursday, July 18

Criminal trespass warning
Grand Mesa Drive
Caller wants an indefinite CTW issued to (redacted) due to him threatening to kick down the door and enter the home/he is not currently there. Deputy advised will ATL to issue the CTW. Deputy advised caller he set up a civil standby with NMSP at 5:30 p.m. to get the rest of his belongings/advised caller of info reference filing a protection order if she chooses to.

Highway 15 – Pinos Altos
Caller advised harassment is escalating/advised he has been tailgating them and he just stopped in front of their house and stared at them/sometimes he yells profanities. Deputies advised (redacted) was issued an indefinite CTW for (redacted).

Welfare check
North Hurley Road
Caller from Gila Family Medicine advised a female and two male children called the office and it was muffled/a dad was yelling in the background/he was saying that one of the kids urinated in the bed and the girl has a bloody lip from where the dad hit her/the grandma said she was petrified. Deputy made contact with all parties/everything is okay.

Accident-property damage
Highway 152 – MM 5 (2 miles west of Georgetown Road)
Vehicle vs deer/deer is still alive. Deputy advised deer is deceased and off the roadway.

Missing persons
Box Canyon – Grant County
Caller from Tucson advised last spoke to his 71-year-old mom via text yesterday advising she was in Grant County. Deputy ran DL.

Trout Valley Drive – Lake Roberts
Caller is being harassed by friends of the owners of the general store/it is an ongoing issue. Deputy will call caller.

Welfare check
Highway 180 – MM 132-133 (1-2 miles east of Grant County Airport Road)
Male is down on the ground/looks like he tripped and fell. Deputies have contact with one male/everything is okay/just taking a break/he does have food and water.

Domestic disturbance
Coleman Drive
Advise males and females arguing. Deputy: clear/going to try to make contact with (redacted) on Cottage San.

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