Friday, July 19

Welfare check
Ohio Street
Advised his mother is sitting on the couch possibly under the influence of narcotics.

Suspicious vehicle
2045 E. Highway 180
Car parked in one of the bays and no one in or around the vehicle. Officer out with a named male.

Criminal trespass warning
703 Silver Heights Blvd.
Subject sleeping in front of the building/stated she asked subject to leave and they refused/caller wants subject issued CTW. Out with Dione Murphy.

Game and Fish
E. Highway 180 and 32nd Street Bypass
Advised a dead deer is blocking both lanes of travel.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
2750 E. Highway 180
Caller advised they found another vehicle with a hole drilled in the gas tank/she thinks it may have been the same night the other vehicles were tampered with. Officer-supplemental report to earlier report 796.

Game and Fish
Woman's Club – 411 Silver Heights Blvd.
Officer advised skunk in the road/Gila Skunk Removal picked up the skunk.

2501 E. Highway 180
A named female is in his office/she is the female who stole $1400 worth of items. Officer ran two subjects.

Unwanted subjects
1661 E. Highway 180
180 Club. Male there causing problems/caller advised he is drunk. Officers in Twisted Illusions with Michael Marquez/Marquez was issued an indefinite CTW for 180 Club.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
Visitor Center
A homeless man threw something and broke caller's back window/homeless male went down into the ditch. Officer under Broadway bridge on foot/has contact with one male.

Welfare check
Alabama and State streets
Caller advised his neighbors have a fire and the ashes are flying into his yard and other neighbors' yards. Officer made contact at the Alabama Street address/they are okay/just burning some weeds.

Welfare check
N. Gold Street
Male lying in the middle of the road.

Suicide threat
E. Pine Street
No report.

Little Walnut Road
Female neighbor was yelling racial slurs at caller/it is an ongoing problem/female is no longer on scene.

Domestic disturbance
Canal Street
Advised there is screaming in the area. Second caller advised the juvie screaming for help lives behind her/the juvie ran back into the trailer. Out with a named male.

Aggravated battery
1929 Pinos Altos Road
Heavy set person yelling for help behind the building. Officer out with a named female/DL check on another named female/ATL for female subject.

Welfare check
1700 N. Gold Street
Male is lying in the street and sidewalk. Officer advised all units busy/have county handle call/GCSO deputy made contact with male and advised him to leave.

Saturday, July 20

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
A named male is outside throwing things at the building.

Breaking and entering
4210 Kiva Place – Los Cerros Apartments
Caller believes his apartment was broken into/his bedroom window frame is bent/doesn't believe anything was taken but his drawers and other items have been gone through.

Weapons fired
W. 12th and Kentucky streets
Caller just heard three gun shots. Officer – it was NMSP firing blanks for the funeral.

Unwanted subject
N. Bullard and W. 6th streets
Caller advised the radio person is not acting normal. Officer -talked with a person at the radio station who said that while working, a male walked in, slapped his microphone, and tried hitting him before leaving the radio station. Person did not wish to file charges for the assault but stated the person who assaulted him, they . . .

1600 16th Street – Mountain View Senior Apartments
Caller advised the license plate was taken off his vehicle.

Welfare check
610 Silver Heights Blvd.
Male fell in the street/is not lying on the sidewalk. Officer requested ambulance for a 70-year-old male with scrapes from a fall.

Domestic disturbance
N. Gold Street
Female with red hair trying to fight a male in a black SUV/it was physical/they just left in an unknown direction of travel.

Accident-property damage
E. Highway 180 and 32nd Street Bypass
Caller moved into the Del Taco parking lot/no injuries at this time/caller in Black and gold F250/other party in a blue Chrysler mini van.

Canal Street
Male caller advised his mother is threatening to poison and kill him/he has video evidence. Officer- out at trailer.

Gough Park
A homeless male is bothering caller and her family who's trying to have a get-together. Officer-have contact.

Welfare check
E. Cain Drive
Caller advised her boyfriend is on call for work and no one can reach him/caller is out of town so she can't check. Officers at residence/advising male called advising something is wrong with his phone/secured house/everything is okay.

Welfare check
1414 Little Walnut Road – Silver Cliff Apartments
Male passed out outside/caller advised he was hitting people's vehicles and that someone was trying to drag him into a vehicle. When asking further questions caller disconnected the line. Officer made contact with caller who was uncooperative.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
Gough Park
Advised a male was throwing rocks at some vehicles/a male was hit by someone and was knocked out and got up and walked away/he is under the influence. Officer requested ambulance for 47-year-old male bleeding from mouth and nose/by the basketball court.

Aggravated battery
123 W. 12th Street
Officer – out with subject at 12th Street Snappy advising he was shot in the head by a pellet gun.

Sunday, July 21

Stolen motor vehicle
Mississippi Street
2020 white Toyota Corolla.

Unwanted subject
Silver City Museum
Homeless male sleeping on their bench in the front/caller needs him removed.

Welfare check
N. Bullard Street and W. Broadway
Male lying on the sidewalk. Officer out with Frank Gomez.

610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Male with Mohawk assaulted caller/he was being aggressive and sprayed caller with pepper spray/he threw a rake at caller and another person. Officers issued John Elizalde a 24-hour CTW for SOS.

Welfare check
N. Bullard Street and W. Broadway
Male lying on the sidewalk between the Palace Hotel and Bu . . .
GCSO deputy out with Frank Gomez by O'Keefe's/everything is okay/he was just sleeping on the sidewalk.

Welfare check
2300 N. Swan Street
Caller says she got a phone call from a male saying he had caller's daughter and he was going to kill her/caller could hear a child screaming and crying and hyperventilating. Caller stated he was with EMTS and that he had to kidnap her. He did not use daughter's name and hung up. Caller advised they did check on their daughter and she is okay. Officer spoke with caller.

Criminal trespass warning
2501 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a female is shoplifting and they want her issued a CTW/she has been sleeping in the parking lot/she stole some grapes today. Officer will be clear/enroute to Walmart to ATL for the female and issue her a CTW.

Criminal damage to property
Mann Drive
Caller advised someone knocked down the stop sign and damaged his fence.

Welfare check
1304 N. Bennett Street – Silver City RV Park
Caller heard a gun shot. It was fireworks.

N. Juniper Street
Subjects are trying to fight with caller and his brother and his wife and two kids. Caller says her husband got into a fight with a named male and the guys he fought with are now driving by his house in a dark green car.

Unwanted subject
200 N. Bullard Street
Shane Jones was issued an indefinite CTW for Little Toad.

1506 N. Silver Heights Blvd.
Bicycle was stolen from in front of the store/green Kenyan bike with bags on it. Officer advised has an airtag on the bike/located it at Little Toad/no one was around it/bike was returned.

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