Friday, July 19

Loud music
Apache and Broken Bow streets – 3:24 a.m.
Deputy advised going to shut it down for the night.

Welfare check
Highway 180 – MM 136-137 (Midway between GC Airport Rd and Hwy 61 junction)
Male staggering on side of roadway. Deputy had contact at rest area.

Battery on an officer.

Unwanted subject
Racetrack Road – Arenas Valley
Caller wants LE to remove her brother because he is being stubborn/he has a house of his own. Deputy – male went to his trailer.

Spring Creek Road
Advised a named male is dropping off some steer at her residence and he is intoxicated/he pushed her fiancé.

Saturday, July 20

Welfare check
East and Coffey -- Bayard
Caller from Sirius Xm advised a subscriber pushed an SOS button. Deputy ATL with negative contact with vehicle.

Welfare check
Buckhorn Drive – Buckhorn
Caller advised her partner is verbally and emotionally abusing/she is very afraid and thinks he may be waiting outside the casita for her/caller is staying in the casita and male is in the main house/he has been using narcotics and alcohol.

Criminal trespass warning
Azurite Court – Tyrone
Caller's ex has a CTW for caller's house and he is there now. Deputy has contact with male/one in investigative detention/speaking with caller/male was not on property/everything is okay/transporting him to Food Basket.

Welfare check
2069 Cottage San Road – Silver Star
Caller advised a friend has not had air-conditioning for three weeks/she has not called the landlord because she is too busy. Deputy had contact with caller.

Welfare check
Jaguar Street – Santa Clara
Caller called 911 advising she didn't know where she was but there was someone there that was told to not go back/refused to provide any info.

Hot pursuit
2020 white Toyota Corolla with California plate taken from a Mississippi Street address. (Redacted) called his friend to say his phone is in the car and it is pinging at Walmart.

Sunday, July 21

Unwanted subject
Cedar Lane – Upper Mimbres
Caller says that female high on meth/she is screaming/she was taken to boyfriend's house yesterday in Buckhorn/boyfriend supplies her with narcotics/caller does not want female on his property and CTW issued. Deputy advised subject is in Catron County/referred him to them.

Suicide threat
Camino Tolteca – Tyrone
No report.

Suspicious vehicle
Country Club Road – Silver Acres
Silver Nissan 4dr car keeps passing by. Deputy set up frequent patrol for next (?) weeks.

Welfare check
Cliff Dwellings – 3:53 p.m.
1999 Toyota Camry with Texas plate and 65-year-old male with a female left on Wednesday and said they would be back by Friday/has not returned and has not answered phone. USFS personnel will go and check on the subjects/deputy advised negative contact x 3.

Suspicious vehicle
Rosedale Road
Older model RV that someone left parked in front of her property. Caller called back advising made contact with owner of RV who advised it broke down.

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