Monday, July 22

Domestic disturbance
Harris Road
Caller gave name and address then disconnected the line/negative contact upon callback. Officers en route to a Corbin Street address, then to El Refugio, then to GRMC instead, then to El Refugio.

703 Silver Heights Blvd.
Bright blue bike stolen by female headed toward ditch behind Copper Manor. Officers on scene at Gold Street area, then Denny's, then Shady Grove/out with a named male/clear for now/a named male's bike/they will call . . .

1955 Hilltop Road
Employees harassing one another and has escalated to the point where threatening with a gun Is now involved. Officer had contact with both parties.

Welfare check
Royall Drive
A 12-year-old female was last seen by her mother on July 10/caller says she was with her grandmother and when caller went to get her the grandmother and others fought with caller and broke her windshield and ran her off/caller is the mother of the child and does have full custody. Officer advised negative contact with anyone at the house/negative contact with caller/left a voicemail.

Criminal damage to property.
College Avenue
Caller's mailbox has been damaged. Officer following up at Methodist Church.

Welfare check
Grant and W. 13th streets
Young girl/blond hair in a pink dress/she is just hanging out with no adults with her. Officer made contact/dad works where she was and took her back . . .

Unwanted subject
414 N. Bullard Street
Male yelling and screaming in front of her business. Officer out with Matthew Fox/advised he needs to get out of the area.

Silver City Post Office
Male with beard in the exit area distracting drivers. Officer – Robert Katzenstein.

Gough Park
Officer – witnessed an assault by the benches.

Aggravated assault
2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments
A named boy has a gun and is threatening caller's kids/he is waving the gun around at all the kids. Officers have contact with people/everything is okay/toy gun/no charges being filed.

Unwanted subject
1313 E. 32nd Street
A named male is outside/left AMA/now punching the bus stop/caller wants a CTW issued unless receiving medical attention. Officer issued Andrew Montes a CTW.

2501 E. Highway 180
Caller advised it happened Thursday evening. Caller advised an officer that another named male tried to corral him in the Walmart parking lot who caller has charges against and when caller swerved his vehicle away the other male laughed at him and pointed at him.

DV order violation
Kimberly Drive
Walk-in reported her soon-to-be ex-husband attempted to call her yesterday/she did not answer the calls as she has filed for divorce, has a pending criminal case against him, and has a valid DVO in order. Officer advised walk-in has an expired temporary order and that the stipulated order filed after the temporary one hasn't been served to him yet.

Accident-property damage
N. Hudson Street and E. College Avenue
Vehicles moved off the roadway/request wrecker. Officer advised 53-year-old female with neck pain. EMS1 advised patient refused.

Unwanted subject
Visitor Center
Three named males are drinking on the property. Officer – all units left prior to arrival.

3025 E. Highway 180
Happened on the 19th of July/everything ready for pickup.

Unwanted subject
Public Library
Male acting aggressive/has a dog with him/walking toward the Grinder Mill. Officer has one female in unit/en route to El Refugio/will also have two teenage boys in unit.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
Two males physically fought/are no longer fighting or causing issues/want them removed from the property. Officer – Casey Munoz and Sylviano Smith/Casey left upon request.

Unwanted subject
Cactus Street
Son is drunk and keeps turning on the car alarm. Officer talked subject into going to bed.

Tuesday, July 23

Criminal trespass warning
2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments
A named female and another female were at the apartment on foot/have a CTW/have a dog with them and blankets wrapped around them.

610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Two people throwing rocks at each other/one male is throwing rocks at everyone/57-year-old male hit in the head with a rock. Officer advised out with John Elizalde on Kelly and Swan/has Roman Arambula in investigative detention/one released from ID and John Elizalde was issued an . . .

Stolen motor vehicle
3514 Fowler Avenue
Caller advised his white Chevy Silverado is missing. Officer – no report/partner has his vehicle and he will call back if he needs to.

Game and Fish
1410 W. Highway 180
Deer/advised there was more than one deer/second call was created.

Criminal damage to property
Visitor Center
Vandalism in the back courtyard…

Welfare check
Royall Drive
Caller advised her 12-year-old daughter has been missing since July 10/this address is grandma's house. Officer advised made contact with two minor children, grandmother, and mom.

Unwanted subject
1400 N. Hudson Street
Female is screaming/bothering customers she has been throwing trash everywhere/caller from SC Auto Spa wants female issued a CTW. Officer issued Sarah Cyrus an indefinite CTW and is out with caller.

Welfare check
S. Bullard Street
Caller is in Colorado working/wants welcheck on his 1-and-one-half-year-old son who is with his mother/last time he had contact was last Sunday by picture only. Officer had contact with mother and child/they are okay and mother will call caller.

Unwanted subject
Gough Park
Female in restroom screaming and yelling. Officer out with Sarah Cyrus/says she is just talking to herself.

Criminal damage to property
2080 Memory Lane – Valley View Apartments
Caller says her kids' father violated his probation by going to her house and punching a hole in her wall/he is upset because he is not on the list to pick up his kids.

Unwanted subject
Public Library
Caller wants a named male issued a CTW. Officer issued Andrew Hollosy an indefinite CTW for the library and he left upon request.

1203 N. Hudson Street
Two citizens getting into an altercation. Officer out with Sarah Cyrus/issued her an indefinite CTW for Gough Park.

Domestic disturbance
Valley Vista
Male and female fighting/throwing things around/caller was just walking by the residence when she heard this. Officer had contact with two named females and one named male/with one female en route to SCPD.

1956 E. Highway 180
Stated her employee was just terminated and now the employee and her family are harassing caller. Spoke with caller via telephone.

Suspicious vehicle
Alabama Street
Homeowner isn't there and a silver car is parked in the driveway with someone in the driver's seat/has been there for at least 30 minutes. Officer had contact with homeowner who advised the silver car is his.

Welfare check
North Loop
Caller wants her two grandchildren checked on/believes they are at this address/concerned as mother is known for being violent with the kids. Second caller is 17-years-old advising the same.

Wednesday, July 24

Mental health complaint
Cactus Street
Caller believes his son is high on drugs/he appears to be hallucinating/is yelling/he is tearing the house up/has a knife with him/does have it out. Officer asking for assistance from GCSO. Caller advised he got the knife from him.

Welfare check
The Commons – 501 E. 13th Street
Female causing a disturbance and screaming. Officer has contact with Sara Flurry.

Game and Fish
3755 N. Swan Street
Dead skunk. Dead skunk removal service advised she is en route to the dump with the skunk.

Welfare check
The Commons
Female yelling. Officer out with Sara Flurry/all units clear/everything is okay.

Suicide threat
Grant Street
No report.

Ben Altamirano Sports Complex
Caller in a red truck being harassed by a man feeding birds/man is in a brown Chevy truck parked next to caller/caller advised he is just trying to eat lunch. Caller advised the older male hit his vehicle with his vehicle and ran over him/caller is 33-years-old and says his leg is hurting/the man is now flipping him off.

Unwanted subject
Gila Street
Caller wants the female who is there out of his house/she broke a glass and is acting erratic/he is scared of how she is acting/wants her removed from his house. Officer advised the female left the house.

Suicide threat
N. Bennett Street
No report.

Welfare check
E. Pine Street
Female at the carwash is going through the trash and went through the trash at this address.

Aggravated assault
601 N. Bullard Street
Male with long grey hair just threatened someone with a steak knife. Officer advised took a knife from Shane Jones and he is leaving/no victim was found/Shane walked away.

614 N. Bullard Street
Caller from City Parks Dept advised homeless male with long hair harassing and intimidating him while he was closing up the parks.

Criminal trespass
2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments
A named female was in daughter's apartment and daughter isn't there/female is still on scene. Officer had a named female in investigative detention.

Thursday, July 25

Unwanted subject
2320 E. Highway 180
Caller advised there is a female pushing a cart/the male has long hair with a guitar and a dog/advised they stay in front of their shop and caller wants them issued a CTW and asked to move along/they walked away but are still in the area.

Unwanted subject
330 W. Highway 180
Female under blankets sleeping outside on the south side by the trees/no CTW this time.

Unwanted subject
800 S. Robert Street
Caller from El Refugio advised a named female is outside "acting crazy,"/ very aggressive/she is in the back. Female is very aggressive on the phone and made the statement, "I'm going to shoot the place up." She stated she is hard-of-hearing and just wants to get her medication/she is walking toward the front and she has a knife.

Welfare check
Visitor Center
Caller advised a male is lying behind the dumpster on the sidewalk/negative on a CTW at this time/he has been there for the past hour. Officer advised Irvan Flores/clear locally and affirmative on CTW/he already left.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
N. Gold Street – city shop
Caller from Streets advised one of their vehicles may have been broken into this morning/unknown if anything was taken/there is damage to the vehicle/advised unit 401.

Criminal trespass warning
1955 Hilltop Road
A named male, a former employee, needs to be issued a CTW reference threats he made. Officer had contact with caller/attempted contact with second party.

Welfare check
2260 E. Highway 180
Male passed out on bench/not moving for about five minutes/two other people are with him. Officers requested ambulance for 39-year-old male under the influence of alcohol/Sean Hamond and Lorenzo Flores/both clear. EMS2 signed refusal. Officers advised everything is okay.

Welfare check
420 W. Broadway
Caller from Workforce Solutions advised homeless man blocking customer parking with his things/he put empty alcohol bottles in his bag/he is talking to himself/doesn't want a CTW/just wants him to move along. Officer-Michael Lucero left.

501 18th Street – Watts Hall
Missing laptops.

Welfare check
100 N. Rosedale Road
Male at the bus stop who was on the ground. Officers-Anthony Alcorta/everything is okay.

Welfare check
2501 E. Highway 180
Female screaming and yelling at the intersection. Officers-out with D'Aun Murphy/clear locally/everything is okay.

Unwanted subject
1928 E. Highway 180
Caller from 1st NM Bank advised two males under the trees lying down and one has his pants down exposing his buttocks/wants CTW issued. Officer issued Irvan and Lorenzo Flores indefinite CTWs.

Unwanted subjects
Bosworth and empty lot
People have been staying in the shed on the empty lot/one subject is there now. Officer-Sarah Cyrus.

Unwanted subject
1313 E. 32nd Street
A named male is refusing to leave property/he is Spanish-speaking only/discharge due to disrespecting staff/he is in the waiting room/issue CTW unless receiving medical attention. Officer: out at SOS to drop male off.

Loud music
Omega Place
Playing loud music on stereo. Officer advised everything is okay/he was advised to shut it down.

2005 E. Highway 180
Caller advised her son was jumped at Wrangler's by two subjects/they battered and pepper-sprayed him. Officer at Wrangler's/ran one male and three females/report pending/video footage needed.

Unwanted subject
Pinos Altos Road
Caller received a call from her daughter who stated a named male was at the house and she doesn't want him there/he was causing issues with one of her friends/wants him issued a CTW. Officers advised male left riding his bicycle/ATL the area/clear/negative contact/set up ATL to issue Aaron Gonzales a CTW to the address.

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