Monday, July 22

Vehicle accident-no injuries x 2
Highway 180 @ old chicken farm; Highway 180 – MM 117 (Cross Point Church)
Reports, no narratives.

Cliff area
Caller requests to meet at City Hall in Silver City/deputy en route to Silver City to meet with caller.

Welfare check
Highway 180 – Moon Ranch
About one mile east/a man is walking toward Catron County/caller stated he doesn't look . . ./lost cell connection. Second caller advised male in the roadway/she had to go into the other lant to avoid him. Third caller states male is rolling on the highway and a red Chevy truck with hazards on next to him. Deputy advised at MM 110 (Truck Bypass junction).

Weapons fired
Bill Evans
3-4 subjects who are shooting the ducks/they are at the back/they got into a white SUV. Caller advised he gave them the option to pick up the dead duck by his camp or he was gonna call . . ./did leave Bill Evans. Deputy has contact with vehicle.

Tuesday, July 23

Welfare check
Grand Mesa Drive
Caller advised he is supposed to have a civil standby with a named female so he can get his things, but caller says she is not answering his calls since yesterday. Deputy had negative contact.

Camino Tolteca
Neighbor is threatening him/he has it on video/he is yelling through the window at him. Deputy had contact with caller who requested deputy re-issue the CTW. Deputy advised (redacted) was re-issued the CTW to caller's address.

Criminal trespass warning
Grand Mesa Drive
Caller advising she has a CTW on a named male and he left flowers on her vehicle/he is no longer there/he called her and asked her to look at the flowers. Deputy made contact with caller/patrolled the area with negative contact with male/a frequent patrol was already in place for the residence.

Wednesday, July 24

Domestic disturbance
Flamingo Street
Female is drunk and damaging the home/just walked out of the house/she is barefoot. Caller back on the phone advising his wife is back and being very belligerent. Deputy-verbal only/female advised she would stay away and stay quiet for the night. Caller back on the phone advising she is still breaking . . .

Accident-property damage
Kirkland Road and Highway 180 – Arenas Valley
Vehicle vs deer/negative injuries.

Kirkland Road – Arenas Valley
Caller says she is being scammed on her computer/she says they have it locked up. Caller did give the scammer all her personal information and says they have even gotten to her bank account/wants LE to respond so she can make a report.

Suicide threat
Broken Arrow Drive -- Silver Acres
No report.

Reckless driver
Highway 180 – Table Butte Road
Caller has kids in a car with their dad and she is driving behind him/he has thrown out more than one beer can. Second caller also advised that (redacted) is driving intoxicated passing Red Rock Road passing on double yellow.

Welfare check
Highway 180 – MM 135 (4 miles south of Grant County Airport Road) – 9:09 p.m.
Male wearing dark clothing walking toward Hurley/almost hit him. Deputy had contact with male/dropped male off at Walmart.

Thursday, July 25

Domestic disturbance
Western Drive
A named female is outside beat up and needs medical attention/she is not able to move/possible head injury. Deputy -passing MM 112 (1 mile east of Oakwood Estates).

Highway 35 – Upper Mimbres
Stolen titles.

Cottage San Road
Caller calling for a named male who was hit in the face. (Redacted) doesn't want to make a report and the hospital called for him.

Suspicious vehicle
Highway 180 – Arenas Valley
Stated a red truck drove into the road and parked in front of the abandoned house/stated he spoke to the male and he got scared and took off/caller wants to speak to LE.

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