SILVER CITY, NM – July 30, 2024 - The USDA Forest Service today initiated a 60-day objection period for the final environmental impact statement and draft record of decision for the Gila National Forest revised land management plan, as well as the Southwestern Regional Forester's Species of Conservation Concern list for the Gila National Forest.

The revised land management plan, known as the forest plan, reflects the significant economic, social, and ecological changes that have occurred in southwestern New Mexico since the original plan was approved in 1986. The plan provides direction for the long-term management of the Gila National Forest by delineating the desired conditions, objectives, standards, and guidelines to guide management activities across the forest for the next 10 to 15 years.

"This milestone culminates nine years of public engagement, community involvement, and environmental analysis," said Gila National Forest Supervisor Camille Howes. "The revised land management plan was developed with federal, state, Tribal, and local governments; stakeholder groups; and other community members. Tribal consultation, collaboration, and Indigenous science played a role in developing the plan as well.

"The plan recognizes current issues, the value of wilderness, sustainable recreation, traditional and cultural uses, and supports local economies, while fostering a healthier and more sustainable Gila National Forest. It shows that we can balance the need for economic development with active management to maintain healthy ecosystems and watersheds."

With the revised land management plan, the Gila National Forest is projected to support 1,131 jobs and an estimated $34.3 million in labor income each year through sustainable recreation, livestock grazing, and forest products. It promotes relationships and an "all-lands" approach to meeting shared goals across the landscape. This means working with partners and neighboring landowners to improve resource conditions, reduce fire risk, and make the forest and its watersheds more resilient to drought, flooding, insects, and disease. This includes restoring riparian areas and preserving the unique characteristics of designated wilderness for sustainable use and enjoyment.

The 60-day objection period officially begins with the publication of the legal notice in the Silver City Daily Press. Parties who submitted substantive comments during the 90-day comment period on the draft land management plan and draft environmental impact statement, scoping, or other opportunities to provide comment, have standing to file an objection.

For specific requirements on filing an objection, check out the Gila National Forest website at Gila National Forest - Home ( review 36 CFR 219, or the legal notice. Once any objections are resolved and responded to, the Gila National Forest will publish the revised land management plan, final record of decision, and final environmental impact statement. The forest supervisor's signature on the final record of decision brings the entire forest plan revision process to an end, and the implementation and monitoring phase can begin.

The final environmental impact statement, draft record of decision, and other project documents are located on the forest plan revision website at Gila National Forest - Home (