Project helps reduce wildfire risk to communities

GLENWOOD, NM, Sept. 12, 2024 – The Gila National Forest, Glenwood Ranger District is planning to burn the Sheridan slash disposal site located off Sheridan Ridge Road (Catron County Road 54) between September 16 and October 11, 2024, weather and fire conditions permitting. The objective of this burn is to reduce accumulated biomass from past thinning activities on private lands.

"The Sheridan Slash Disposal Site, located on the Gila National Forest, supports hazardous fuels reduction by allowing free disposal of vegetative materials removed from private property," said Acting Glenwood District Ranger Elizabeth Toney. "The purpose of this and other slash disposal sites on the forest is to support local communities' fuel reduction efforts and to assist Catron County with its Firewise program."

The Sheridan Slash Disposal site is normally burned once a year by Glenwood Ranger District firefighter crews. This site is for disposal of vegetative materials only. As long as the district is burning vegetative materials, they remain in compliance with the New Mexico Air Quality regulations. Recently, large piles of trash have been dumped at the site. When there is trash at the site the firefighters must sort through the trash and remove the non-vegetative materials prior to burning "It can be a health and safety hazard to have firefighters sorting through garbage," said District Ranger Toney.

Smoke may be visible along US Hwy 180 and may linger at night and in the early morning but will normally decrease significantly as daytime weather prevails. Smoke will be monitored to ensure that the New Mexico Environment Department's Air Quality Bureau regulations are being met. Smoke-sensitive individuals and those with respiratory or heart disease should take precautionary measures. Air quality information and health protection measures are posted online on the New Mexico Department of Health's website at Health Recommendations re: Wildfire And Smoke. For more information contact Maribeth Pecotte at 575-388-8211 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..