Prescribed fire will help reduce hazardous fuels
TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, NM, January 31, 2024 – The Gila National Forest, Black Range Ranger District plans to burn about 365 acres of slash piles at the Beaverhead Workcenter and along the north end of Forest Road 150 from Beaverhead south to Taylor Creek (Wall Lake). The project area is located approximately 25 miles west of Winston, New Mexico. Burning is expected to begin Thursday, February 1 and continue as long as suitable conditions last, or until the project is complete.
"The science is clear: we cannot meaningfully reduce the risk of wildland fire at the scale needed without restoring fire to the landscape," said Black Range District Ranger Bret Mellott. "Fuels treatments over the past several years have made a difference, but the scale of treatments has been outmatched by the rapid increase in the scale of wildfires."
Smoke and firefighter activity will be visible to the public and is unlikely to impact public access along Forest Road 150. If this occurs, road guards will be in place. Smoke may linger in the valley at night and early in the morning. Signs will be posted in areas where prescribed burning is taking place. The Forest Service coordinates prescribed burning with New Mexico Environment Department and follows smoke management guidelines. Air quality information and health protection measures are posted online at the New Mexico Fire Information website: NM Fire Info | Smoke Management. For more information contact Maribeth Pecotte at 575-388-8211 orÂ