LOCATION, NM, Jan. 13, 2025 – The Gila National Forest, Reserve Ranger District is preparing to burn accumulated slash at the SU and Gilita community slash disposal sites and 427 acres of post-timber sale slash piles resulting from the Doe Gun timber sale. These prescribed fire activities are expected to begin as early as Wednesday, January 15 and continue through the end of March as weather and fuels conditions and resource availability allow.
"Community slash disposal sites provide a free place for landowners to dispose of hazardous fuels that have been cut and removed from private lands. The materials at these sites are periodically burned by the Gila National Forest. This is an essential community service provided by the Gila National Forest in support of Catron County's Firewise program," said Acting Reserve District Ranger Bret Ruff. "Burning slash piles resulting from the Doe Gun timber sale completes this forest treatment, removing fuels that could otherwise feed a damaging wildfire."
The Doe Gun slash piles are located along National Forest System Road (NFSR) 141 on the west side of Bull Basin Canyon, approximately 11 miles south-southeast of Reserve, New Mexico. The SU slash disposal site is located off of New Mexico Highway 12, approximately 4 miles west of Reserve. The Gilita slash disposal site is located off of the Snow Lake Road on Gilita Ridge, approximately 22 miles south-southeast of Reserve.
Smoke may be visible from Willow Creek, Snow Lake, Reserve, Forest Road 141, and New Mexico Highway 12 and will be heaviest during ignitions operations. Gila National Forest complies with air quality regulations and permitting established by the New Mexico Environment Department Air Quality Bureau. Information about smoke impacts and recommendations for avoiding health impacts is available at NM Fire Info | Smoke Management. For more information contact Maribeth Pecotte at 575-388-8211 or