Lower Mimbres Volunteer Fire Department
Wednesday, Mar. 19
161 Galaz Street – San Lorenzo – 4:34 p.m.
Caller – is on scene/fire is next to house/it is small in size/believes there are people inside and trying to get them out. LMVFD has no first responders/request page Upper Mimbres VFD. (Redacted) has water on the fire right now/structure is not on fire at this time,
Pinos Altos VFD
Wednesday, Mar. 19
Briarwood Lane – Silver City – 6:15 p.m.
House directly behind this location has smoke coming out of the attic. Caller called back and house is on Tanglewood/there is more smoke coming out of the attic. PAVFD arrived on scene to 21 Tanglewood/units stated that it was only a BBQ that was smoking.
Silver City Fire Department
Tuesday, Mar. 18
Audible fire alarm/general fire alarm/(unknown location). Alarm company called back advising maintenance is working on panel/request cancellation.