Friday, Mar. 8
Domestic disturbance
Country Club Drive
Caller advised a third party and his girlfriend were fighting/does not believe it is physical at this time/he would like girlfriend removed from home. Deputy advised on scene.
Welfare check
Loma Verde Drive – Arenas Valley
Caller advising the property belongs to her father who has passed away and she keeps getting a water bill that is continuously increasing/wants to make sure no one is living on the property.
Accident-property damage
SW Horseman's Park
Walk-in advised it took place on Monday/needs crash report that occurred on 3/4/24.
Welfare check
Rio de Arenas Road
Requesting call from a deputy in reference to granddaughter.
Saturday, Mar. 9
Domestic disturbance
Bobwhite Drive
One female and one male fighting over the phone/sounds like female was trying to call and talk and the male wasn't letting her/female states male hit her in the face/three kids in the home. Deputy advised negative contact upon callback.
Domestic disturbance
Prescott Street – Santa Clara
Advised father and (redacted) are fighting/child went to caller's residence and advised her to call. Bayard PD officer advised verbal only/parties have been separated.
Breaking and entering
Red Rock Road – Mangas Valley
Caller believes his condo was broken into/a window has been tampered with and a board removed from a door/caller has not gone inside to see if anything has been stolen. Deputy had contact with caller.
Tiger Lode
Caller advised a female from a party about three houses down was arguing with her and scratched her face/caller thinks they might come after her. Deputy advised out at this address, heading to the second one.
Sunday, Mar. 10
Domestic disturbance
Prescott Street – Santa Clara
Caller advised 'they' are fighting again and it is very loud. Deputy made contact with both parties/both were separated to get statements/NMSP officer took female's statement/male advised deputy everything was verbal. Both parties were arguing due to the male accusing his girlfriend of cheating on him/both parties had the . . .
Welfare check
Grand Mesa Drive
Caller advised a 75-year-old female called caller advising a truck and trailer pulled into her back yard and she doesn't know who it is and she is scared/her son is on his way and will be there in 10 minutes. Deputy on the way.
Unwanted subject
HL Watkins Road
Advised a male was squatting on their property and refusing to leave. Deputy has contact with subject near Harris Road/out with (redacted) who has three active warrants – all out of Judge Grijalva's court for failure to pay traffic fines.
Welfare check
Walnut Creek Road
A 73-year-old female has been sick the past few days and was supposed to meet with her family today in Tucson, but she didn't show up. Caller wants us to know the female lives in a yurt.
Kirkland Road – Arenas Valley
Stated a male punched him in the face and threatened to kill him/he is bleeding from the mouth/caller refused medical.