Monday, Feb. 10
Missing persons
N. Hurley Road – Hurley
Caller's 22-year-old son/last spoke with him on the phone on Feb. 6/h was in Las Cruces with female. Info given to NMSP.
Criminal trespass
Taylor Street – Faywood
Deputy – made contact with a named female who stated her neighbor was trespassing on her property/he was riding a 4wheeler on her property. Deputy issued the neighbor a CTW per caller's request.
Unattended death
Highway 180 – Cliff
70-year-old female not breathing/cold to the touch/just got shingles last week. Deputy – start OMI.
Suspicious persons
Romero/Chino – Hurley
Caller advised her husband called stating a male had gone into three different yards/requesting the male be issued a CTW.
Domestic disturbance
B Street – Hurley
Male and female arguing and screaming/has been going on for a while. Deputy – everything is okay/just verbal.
Tuesday, Feb. 11
Suspicious persons
Male by the carwash/caller thinks he stole things from neighbor/possibly has them in his backpack. Deputy – negative contact with male in the area/everything is okay.
Brush fire
End of Mountain View Road
Caller advising she can see someone burning weeds/lots of smoke/someone is outside with it. R1 with SCFD en route. Deputy – it is a controlled burn/SCFD has fire out.
Domestic disturbance
Lea Drive – Hurley
Caller advised a named male is off his meds and is being verbally abusive to her. Deputy – neither party wanted to leave/part of the issue male didn't take his meds/all verbal.
No classification
Pewter Road
Believes shed was broken into/concerned someone might be staying in the shed.
Criminal trespass
Highway 35 – Mimbres
Caller advising they have been having problems with his in-laws/it's an ongoing issue/caller tried to get a restraining order but it was denied/his father-in-law threatened him today and it almost got physical/they keep trying to drop stuff off for their kids but caller and his wife do not want them on their property/wants them issued a CTW. SCPD was advised. SCPD advised NMSP to see if they could help out. Caller does want a CTW issued.
Unwanted subject
Glenda Circle
A named male is outside of this address screaming that his life was ruined and calling people vulgar names
Wednesday, Feb. 12
No classification
Truck Bypass
Caller advised she was contacted by PayPal/they told her they mistakenly sent her $8,000 instead of $80 and she needed to go to the ATM to withdraw $7,000 to send it back to them which she did. Caller called back advising she is now at GCSO to make a report.
Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
A named female was kicked out earlier and went back once managers left/she is being confrontational with staff/want her trespassed for the next 48 hours. SCPD officers were advised/asked county to assist/female also has a warrant.
Highway 180
Walk-in needs to report stolen metal.
Suspicious persons
Spring Creek Road
Caller advised a vehicle is parked with the horn honking and a female yelling/unknown description of either female or vehicle. Caller called back advising she needs help/unknown what kind of help is needed.
Thursday, Feb. 13
Suspicious persons
Ocotillo Drive – Mimbres
Caller advised someone broke in last night and made a mess of her home/can't see how they got in and is still checking for damage. Deputy – caller advised she was locked in her property and had no key/attempted to cut the lock on the gate/nephew showed up/caller had a doctor's appointment today in Silver/nephew did state this incident didn't happen/nephew was also informed of caller's warrant and will take her to court to take care of it.