Friday, Feb. 7

Domestic disturbance
Bandoni Drive
Caller advised she was in a verbal-only domestic and the male pulled out a gun and pointed it at his head/after that he walked into another room and caller heard a click/unknown if the gun is loaded/happened about 12 minutes ago. Deputy – male left prior to arrival.

Suspicious persons
Cortez Avenue – Hurley
Caller found a knife with blood on it in locker 26/caller has the knife in the back of the post office. Deputy advised he will take the call.

Criminal damage
Fawn Lane – Mimbres
Caller advised a neighbor shot up a no trespassing sign caller had put up. Deputy issued (redacted) an indefinite CTW for 12 Fawn Lane.

Domestic disturbance
Oak Street – Bayard
Female will be in ER Triage wanting to report a domestic that happened at her residence/advised it was physical where she fell on her stomach/is also pregnant/unknown if she fell or was pushed down by boyfriend/advised he also broke her phone. Info called in by GRMC.

Suspicious persons
D Street
Caller advising when she received her package she ordered from Target she noticed an ethanol can in it which she didn't order and some of her items missing/the box was taped over and over.

Suspicious persons
Fraser Drive
Caller is home alone with her two kids/heard someone outside, but didn't see anyone/about two minutes ago. Deputy – everything is okay/spoke to female/checked surrounding area.

Saturday, Feb. 8

Criminal trespass
Empire Street – Bayard
Caller advised her grandson has been going to her residence and she does not want him there/wants a CTW issued and is interested in a DVO. Deputy – set up frequent patrol for two weeks and provided info on obtaining a DVO.

Unwanted subject
Ft Bayard Street – Santa Clara
Deputy issued male indefinite CTW.

Steyskal Street – Bayard
Deputy made contact with caller who advised his neighbor was yelling at him and it is an ongoing issue. Deputy spoke with neighbor who stated when caller lets his dogs outside they bark. Deputy told him if the dogs are bothering him to call dispatch and not get into arguments with his neighbors.

Unwanted subject
217 Bullard Street
Caller is upset because today is the Chocolate Fantasia and it looks bad for a male to be yelling. SCPD officer out with male/advised male to change his behavior.

Unwanted subject
Goathead Path
Out with (redacted) Whiskey Creek and Kirkland Road/one in unit enroute to Walgreen's/re-issued CTW for location to subject.

Breaking and entering
Highway 35 – Mimbres
Caller advised her sister called advising two people are trying to open the door/male and female/a black vehicle and a grey vehicle are parked out front that should not be/they got into one of the doors. Deputy advised units clear/negative contact.

Ridge Road
Caller advised her 9-year-old foster child hit her and her 5-year-old sibling and threw things/has tried to contact CYFD with no answer/needs someone to come and get the child. Caller advised that SCI was calling her back so dispatch went ahead and disconnected the line.

Manganese Drive
Caller noticed his game camera has been gone since the end of January/last footage showed a male trespassing. Deputy set up frequent patrol for next two weeks.

Domestic disturbance
Agua Blanca Road – Hurley
He threw her to the floor and hit her and another child/caller is 13-years-old/13 yo, 17 yo, 11 yo, and 12 yo are inside the locked car/grandpa is outside now/little cousins, 8 and 9 yo are still with grandpa/he has guns and a pistol he carries with him/they have a crossbow/there is beer in the house. Deputies – passing Santa Clara.

Ridge Road
Marijuana found in a common area.

Brush fire
4456 Cottonwood
Towards the east/there is a fire that looks higher than the trees/no one is attending to it so don't think it's a controlled burn. PAVFD received page at 6:09 p.m. Deputy – out at 4593 Shadow Mountain/small fire pit/put the fire out

Criminal damage to property
Santa Rita Mine Road – Hanover
2019 black Nissan Frontier and a 1988 grey Toyota pickup/tires slashed. Deputy – set up frequent patrol for a month.

Reckless driver
Rosedale Road – 10:12 p.m.
Caller is trying to sleep for work tomorrow and she cannot. Deputy had negative contact with any dirtbikes.

Sunday, Feb. 9

Suspicious persons
Highway 152 – San Lorenzo
Female outside is claiming that caller's property is hers. Deputy made contact with female.

Suspicious persons
Broken Arrow Drive – Silver Acres
Deputy made contact with caller who stated a subject on a motorcycle went through her property/requested more patrols in the area.

Unwanted subject
910 E. Highway 180
Pickup is leaving/she was trying to get in their vehicle. Deputy issued (redacted) an indefinite CTW to Domino's.