Friday, Mar. 21
Suspicious persons
Bandoni Drive
Caller advised he heard yelling and then voices in his back yard/unknown how many. Deputies – clear/will frequent patrol through the night.
Suspicious persons
Elguea Avenue – Hurley
Caller advised neighbor keeps shining their light into her window/wants to speak with LE before they ATL. Deputy out at next door neighbor/negative contact.
Lost property
1400 E. Highway 180
Needs to report a lost gun.
11072 E. Highway 180
Caller advised she picked a turquoise backpack in the arroyo off of Western Drive/appeared to be court paperwork inside/wants to give it to LE. Deputy – backpack was recovered and returned to (redacted), who was issued a CTW by SCPD officer.
Domestic disturbance
Cottage San Road
Caller advised her sister's boyfriend is trying to break the windshield to the car/they were fighting before this/he did break the window/they are still fighting/caller is in a room with her nephew. Deputy has one in investigative detention.
Criminal trespass
W. 13th Street
Caller stated if a named male tries to fight him he is going to shoot him. Can hear the male yelling back at the caller. Caller stated he is armed with a .45. SCPD officer was advised and requested response from GCSO deputy. Caller refused to stay on the line. Deputy ATL for male.
Driving while intoxicated
Highway 180
Stated vehicle is all over the road/passing Kirkland Road now/grey Ford Explorer/passing Peterson/caller no longer behind the vehicle.
Criminal trespass
Carrasco Avenue – Hurley
Caller advised a named male just threatened him and left walking with a female toward Hurley. HPD officer ATL with negative contact.
Saturday, Mar. 22
104 C Street
Can hear noise coming from the meter but cannot smell anything. XCPD officer – it is leaking gas/get Gas Company to shut it off. GCSO deputy and XCPD officer standing by until Gas Company gets there.
Brush fire
2339 Cottage San Road
Grass fire/50x50/is on the bank/not threatening any structures/is in the creek. Pinos
Altos VFD direct with page. E11 – due to wind are still going to respond even tho out of automatic aid limits.
Hit and run
2805 Highway 90
Deputy – spoke to homeowners/showed evidence of MVA on property. Appears vehicle came eastbound at a high rate of speed and did not negotiate the left hand turn causing the vehicle to spin counter clockwise and continue traveling backward into a tree next to the fenceline. Evidence at the scene shows vehicle was a Subaru brand model.
Suspicious persons
2700 Mountain View
Caller stated subjects are on his property/he can hear them talking/stated he heard them stating they were looking for caller's truck.
Missing persons
Aztec Avenue
Caller wants to report her son missing/he left on Wednesday with a named female in a white van to go to the Hurley Lounge but never returned/he does not have a phone.
Sunday, Mar. 23
Suspicious persons
Ft Bayard Street – Santa Clara
Says a male is living in the white trailer/states the windows are broken and no one is supposed to be there. Deputy – there was an open door/no one inside/tried to secure door best as can/will call caller.
No classification (Larceny?)
9 Golf Course Road
Found golf cart/thinks gas tank has been ripped out. Deputy – was stolen last night/golf course managers were on scene and took possession of golf cart.
Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
A named male is inside the building refusing to leave/is being belligerent/want him issued a CTW. SCPD advised of call/advised to request NMSP and GCSO. NMSP advised they are not available in Grant County. Caller called back advising male left on his own/cancel call. Caller requested deputy as male came back and they need the CTW issued.
Suspicious persons
123 W. 12th Street
A named male customer is there saying he was robbed and his cellphone and ID were taken/male went inside frantic and hysterical – ranting and raving/he is now outside. Caller called back advising male is outside with a stick harassing customers/he is saying he was robbed.
Little Walnut Road
A known person to LE is on a bullhorn yelling outside. Caller was advised LE is busy at the moment.
No classification (Frequent patrol?)
9 Golf Course Road
Request a heavy patrol for the night/they had equipment that just arrived from California.
Suspicious persons
413 N. Bullard Street
Male walking around looking into vehicles making business owners and customers uncomfortable. Caller called back stating the male took a yellow item out of one of the vehicles. Second caller advising male is now in front of the Silco.
Suspicious persons
52 Valley Drive
Male walked by caller's camper and hammered on his trailer/also went to check on an 80-year-old female neighbor who believed she heard someone trying to get into her house. Deputy – will ATL up this road/set up frequent patrol for a week.
Monday, Mar. 24
Suspicious persons
Canal Street
Caller advised people are bothering him throughout the day and night/believes they are methheads. Deputy set up frequent patrol.
1313 E. 32nd Street
Caller – was assaulted by her brother/happened on Chukar Drive. Deputy ran DL.
Hit and run
Cottage San Road
Caller advised it appears someone hit and damaged the mailboxes near the intersection/caller was just a passerby. Deputy – get a hold of maintenance/road sign is down/underground cable is also loose/advised WNM and Grant County Roads/WNM advised this is not their cable.
Loud music
Duck Creek Road – Buckhorn – 10:34 a.m.
Homeowner has been playing loud music since early this morning/been doing it for the past three days.
Criminal trespass
Rosedale Road
Caller wanting a named male issued a CTW for his property/advised he went on the property with caller's wife without his permission and he should know better than to be doing that.
Carrasco Avenue – Hurley
Caller advised one of his sheds that they usually sell are missing/must have been taken between 3 and 4 p.m. today.
Game and Fish
Lance Drive
Caller advised a deer that was attacked is still alive/deer is in the roadway/caller advised he can put the deer down. Deputy advised negative. Dispatch advised caller several times not to put the deer down and to let deputies handle it. Deputy advised one shot fired.