Monday, Oct. 14

Welfare check
Highway 180 and Kirkland Road
Caller advised her boyfriend just jumped out of the vehicle/he says he doesn't want to live anymore/he is walking east approaching Kirkland/he has attempted suicide before/most recent last week. He is almost at MM 117 (1/4 mile west of Kirkland Road) Deputy has contact east side.

Highway 61 – Lower Mimbres
Deputy – on-going issue/going to be calling other party/advised other party deputy would be obtaining an arrest warrant for harassment and use of phone because he continues to call, text, and go over to caller's residence. Deputy did also tell him if he called after speaking to him . . .

Reckless driver
Highway 180 – MM 112 (1 mile west of Highway 90 junction)
SCPD officer went traffic with late model Ford truck/send next wrecker.

Adams Lane – Arenas Valley
Deputy advised out at location/clear from location/set up frequent patrol for one month.

Negligent use of a firearm
Unknown location
Caller stated his brother shot himself in the knee with a 9 mm/when caller arrived to pick up the brother they had a belt tied around the leg. Deputy on Lusk Street ATL.

Tuesday, Oct. 15

Domestic disturbance
Ponderosa Street – Sunrise Estates
Caller advised her ex-boyfriend just choked her from behind/they are outside/caller just disconnected line. Deputies advise male wants NMSP/transporting female in custody.

Welfare check
Grand Mesa Drive
In reference to a female who asked for a ride. Deputy going to check on a juvenile.

Wednesday, Oct. 16

Welfare check
Grenfell Street
Caller and mother have seen social media posts from today that are concerning and they think a named female is not in a good environment. Deputy made contact with (redacted).

Yucca Valley Drive – Arenas Valley
Walk-in to GCSO.

Palomino Trail – Upper Mimbres
A named male texted caller's husband thinking he was texting her/advised he was sending inappropriate messages and believes he has been going to her house at night. Deputy advised put out ATL to (redacted) for this address to issue indefinite CTW.

Suspicious vehicle
Highway 180 – Arenas Valley
Caller advised a newer model Hyundai Sonata is running in front of his house. Deputy advised the person in the vehicle is a family member who caller did not recognize the vehicle/everything is okay.

Geronimo Street – North Hurley
Break-in at her house/no one there now/things were taken.

Thursday, Oct. 17

Highway 180 – MM 105 (3 miles east of Mangas Terrace)
Around MM 102 and 103/caller heard an accident and saw lots of dirt flying. (Redacted) called advising it is his (redacted) in the accident/there's two vehicles. Deputies requested ambulance for two females/scene secured/checking surrounding area/get NMSP.

Unattended death
McMillan Road – Mangas Valley
OMI was contacted and will be en route.

Welfare check
Lake Roberts
Caller advised his employee has not come back to El Paso from fishing at Lake Roberts/he and his girlfriend left a few days ago and he has not returned/driving red Hyundai sports car. Deputy had contact with subject/advised he is okay/will advise caller.

Dollar General – Hurley
Caller advised a couple is fighting and throwing things/there is orange juice and other items all over/they are leaving. Deputies have contact with female who was put in investigative detention/male may have taken off on foot.

Welfare check
Emory Pass
Third party call for a frantic male at the top of Emory Pass/caller tried to gather further info from the male but he couldn't provide anything more/male near the road did not appear to be injured but was waiting for help. Deputy had negative contact with anyone matching description in area.

Mental health complaint
Meadowhawk Lane – Arenas Valley
A named female is tearing things up/slamming and breaking things/refusing to take meds/caller has herself locked in another room/she also threw cat litter on caller. Caller called back advising things have calmed down and she is no longer throwing things. Caller was advised LE will still be responding.

Hot Springs Canyon Road – Lower Mimbres
Caller says her mailbox was tampered with/all the mailboxes were wide open and empty when she checked the mail today.