Monday, Sept. 9

Welfare check
N. Swan Street
Made contact with (redacted) off a welcheck who seemed concerned for her neighbor who had a sudden change in behavior and not paying her bills. (Redacted) was issued a CTW for this address.

Hermana Street – Arenas Valley
Caller states the female was yelling and threatening her and her dog/female accused caller of killing her kids/she won't stop coming outside and yelling. Deputy spoke with (redacted) and everything is okay.

Unattended death
Wilson Road – Lower Mimbres
Daughter found female who died in her sleep.

Little Walnut Road
Walk-in requested a CTW be issued to a named male who is sending walk-in harassing texts. Deputy called (redacted) and issued him a CTW for the address.

Welfare check
Zocalo's – Arenas Valley
Two juvies riding their bicycles in the median. Deputy out at Valero across from Racetrack Road.

Welfare check
Little Walnut Road
Mother with dementia left walking south on Little Walnut Road/they had a little argument and she left. Caller called back advising to cancel/she picked up her mother and she is okay.

Unwanted subject
Highway 180 -- Cliff
Caller stating several vehicles are dumping trash on her property/wants CTWs issued to all subjects. Deputy advised upon arrival made contact with caller and the unwanted subject/caller was advised the unwanted subject was going to gather some of the stuff that . . .

Game and Fish
Highway 180 @ Baca's
Dead deer in median.

Domestic disturbance
Cottage San Road
Caller stated father of her grandbaby showed and spit in her face/her grandbaby had blue pills in her hand/grandchild is 2-years-old. Deputy advised ATL in area of Alabama Street.

Tuesday, Sept. 10

Bayard Family Dollar
Report, no narrative.

Welfare check
Arenas Valley Road and Kohdy Lane
Caller advised a female juvie is sitting in the middle of the road/she does have mental issues. Deputy had contact/juvie was TOT (taken over to) grandmother.

Domestic disturbance
Spur Road
Advised she got into a physical altercation with her daughter and is now sitting on her/she is not injured. Can hear the daughter screaming in the background. Deputies – parties are separated/juvie was released to CYFD/juvie was having suicidal ideations.

Domestic disturbance
Alamo Street – Arenas Valley
Advised husband is at the residence and refusing to leave/he is intoxicated/nothing physical just being belligerent/he walked outside/he will be on foot.

Unwanted subject
Goathead Path – Arenas Valley
Stated a named male showed up in a 4dr car. Deputy had negative contact/will set up frequent patrol for the night.

Welfare check
Mimbres Yucca Drive and Highway 35
Female in a red truck/lights are on/door is open/vehicle is blocking one side of the road/caller is going to stay with female. Deputy – several other vehicles on scene as well/request ambulance for female feeling severely cold and going through some type of altered mental episode/clear/female is with EMS en route to GRMC.

Wednesday, Sept. 11

Welfare check
Gold Nugget Road – Pinos Altos
Caller advised a female in her 60s walked onto their property/she seems okay physically but mentally out of it/they are letting her stay on their deck/caller does not think she is dangerous and he does not . . .

W. Highway 180 – Cliff
Caller advised a named female student grabbed his 16-year-old daughter and tried to unsnap her bra/happened two days ago/school is aware of the situation.

Thursday, Sept. 12

Highway 152 – Hanover
Deputy made contact with a named female who stated a couple of months ago she noticed someone had taken the label off her prescription bottle/she also noticed her daughter's cell phone calls were being forwarded to a phone number/advised she would be installing a camera at the back door.

Domestic disturbance
Cottage San Road
Caller is not responding. Dispatcher can hear yelling and a male saying not to touch his daughter/caller is not giving the Space Number. Dispatcher can hear one male stating "I did nothing wrong." And a female yelled "It is none of your business."

Welfare check
Tabor Drive
Caller advised his neighbor just showed up banging on his door saying she needs the police/doesn't appear to need medical. Deputy – negative contact with anyone/knocked several times/clear.

Truck Bypass
Walk-in advised he is being threatened over the phone. Deputy – out of Nevada.

Pheasant Drive
Caller advised she is being harassed by a named male/he writes her letters, texts, and even comes onto her property/the texts and letters are threatening/he is scaring her children/she has all for evidence/been going on for a month.

Mental health complaint
Rio de Arenas Road
16-year-old son is refusing to take his anti-psychotic meds/he threatened to bash caller's head in. Deputy made contact.

Cottage San Road
Caller advised her daughter just went to her house and tried to run her over with her car/left in a gold Kia.

Mental health complaint
Little Walnut Road
Caller advised her son is having a mental health episode and being verbally aggressive/she can hear a lot of banging in his room/he has PTSD/he is outside/he is now inside yelling at caller/he has been hearing voices lately/he is back in his room.

Domestic disturbance
Broken Arrow Drive – Silver Acres
Caller advising a named male punched her in the stomach because she was with another guy/grabbed her face/he is in the home/she just wants to get her stuff and go to the shelter/he's had a few beers. Deputy – one female in investigative detention/one female in unit en route to address off Rosedale Road.

Unattended death
Wagon Wheel Lane – 11:40 p.m.
Unresponsive 9-month-old female. Baby fell off the bed/not breathing/CPR is in progress. Advised they found her in the crib like that/male advised the baby was cool to the touch. Not breathing/not awake/last time someone saw her awake was approximately an hour ago/child is cold to the touch.