Saturday, April 12; 1:00 -- 4:30 PM
Title: Embody Your Vision
a 1/2-day workshop w/ Pamela Morgan
If your vision can live in your body it can live in the world.

Do you have a sense of how the world could be, how you think it should be? Do you long for a different way of living on our planet? Do you move between idealism and cynicism? Embody Your Vision will help us focus on our visions for a good world and balance the light and the dark.

In this half-day workshop we will start with a guided visualization to get in touch with, and deepen our imaginings of a world our hearts and souls long for. Among other activities, we'll write and create drawings, dance and get our whole bodies on board, and, in general, share our strength and support for one another, and ourselves. As you embody your vision, vibrations and actions will naturally emerge and ripple out into our world. Call it " spiritual action," if you wish.
Lotus Center
211 W. Broadway Silver City

April 7, 10:00 — 11:00 AM
Title: Tai Chi with Salsa Dance; Improve Your Balance & Mindfulness

Salsa, as it is done in Latin culture, is fun and dynamic (dramatic even!), but it's also one reason that people in places like Cuba and Puerto Rico age so well. Their center of gravity is awake and alive. They are aware of themselves in space and time, and paradoxically, lost in a trance-like experience that connects them to the roots of existence, much like ecstatic dance. It is the perfect combination of mind, body, and spirit.

Join Tai Chi instructor Kit West, who will start these classes with breath work and chi gong meditation. Very slow step work will follow, with emphasis on weight shifts. Then participants will partner up — but across the room from one another — concentrating on moving together, taking turns being the leader, and mirroring; it's called, and is derived from a tai chi practice called "Push Hands." It's pure dance: you go forward, I go backwards, etc. Dance partners are encouraged to imagine a cord connecting them, sharing one center of gravity with one another.

This is, in essence, a moving meditation.