Silver City Theatre has brought in New York director Krysta Hibbard to facilitate Theatre Production workshop at the Hearth, 1915 N Swan St., 3/20-3/22. Ms Hibbard is known for her work on the Tony Awards, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and Silver City Theatre's production of Eleemosynary. She will be joined via Zoom in the workshop by University of South Dakota's Theatre Department Scott Mollman, Production Manager, Tyler Micheel, Lighting and Sound, Victor Shonk, Scenic Design, Kristina Shneskoff, Costume Design and our very own Wendy Spurgeon, Director and Acting Coach. This event is both in person and Zoom. Following is the schedule for this event.
NIGHT 1 (20th) 6-9p
Intro / Direction - Krysta - 6-7:30p
Production Management / Stage Management - Scott Mollman (
NIGHT 2 (21st) 6-9p
Production Design - Victor Shonk (
Lighting & Sound - Tyler Micheel (
DAY 3 (22nd morning) 11-3p
Costume - Krissy Sneshkoff (
Technical Direction - Scott Mollman (
Acting & Casting - Wendy Spurgeon 3:30-4:30.
Location: The Hearth 1915 N Gold St, Silver City
For information on how to attend this event contact Jim Charleston at 303-349-8727 or