Construction on new parking lot to begin Monday, September 16
SILVER CITY, NM, Sept. 12, 2024 – The Gila National Forest, Silver City Ranger District is enlarging the parking area at Dragonfly Trailhead beginning Monday, September 16. The improvements will increase parking capacity at this popular trail destination.
"We're excited about this project, which will not only help meet parking demand at one of our most popular trailheads but will also better support use for events proposed by the public," said Silver City District Ranger Elizabeth Toney. "Over the next couple of weeks, visitors might prefer to use a different access point for the Fort Bayard area trails, due to the presence of heavy equipment at Dragonfly Trailhead during construction."
Upon project completion, there will be two parking lots – the first lot has always been designated for parking of large vehicles, such as trucks with trailers, and buses. The second lot is being enlarged and redesigned to serve pull-through traffic with an entrance and an exit.
The Gila National Forest road crew will utilize heavy equipment to clear a new parking area, install culverts and boulders, and extend the surrounding pipe rail fence. The project is expected to last for several weeks. For more information contact Maribeth Pecotte at 575-388-8211 or