A presentation from the Silver City End of Life Options group will be held on March 28th from 3 to 5 PM. at the Bayard Library located at 1112 Central Ave, Bayard. Free and open to the public, no registration is required.
The presentation will provide information to help understand the legal and compassionate options New Mexicans have; how to plan for the end of life including an overview of advanced health care planning, and an explanation of the 2021 Elizabeth Whitefield End of Life Options Act.
There will be time for discussion and questions.

See flyer below

Presenters: Dr. Twana Sparks MD (author of "In Passing: Stories of Medical Aid in Dying");
Karen deGenevieve MSN, FNP; BC; Adrienne Dare PhD; and Scott Plate co-founder of Native Heartseed LLC.

All are welcome to attend to learn about the New Mexico end of life options for palliative care, medical aid in dying, voluntary stopping eating and drinking, and hospice care for a person at the end of their life.