Friday, Feb. 21
Unwanted subject
901 N. Hudson Street – 6:58 a.m.
Female in front of restaurant was harassing employees/has been doing it since 5 a.m./want her issued a CTW. Officer – issued the female a two-year CTW to Los Victor.
Criminal damage
1221 N. Hudson Street
Male wearing a red hoodie and has a cane has cut the wire to their internet/happened 10-15 minutes ago. Officer – out at bank.
Suspicious persons
Serinna Court
Subject is in front of the house staring at caller’s house. Officer – out with subject/issued subject a CTW for the address. Second caller advised subject is still in the . . .
Suspicious persons
Tracy Circle
Caller advised it may be an air rifle/he was firing it. Officer advised everything is okay/it’s an airsoft gun/was dry firing it/it is unloaded.
E. 17th Street
Caller advised someone put a green sticker on her windshield saying she is improperly parked/she is parked in a handicapped zone and has her placard up/the sticker is obstructing her view and she cannot get it off.
Suspicious persons
Ridge Crest Drive
He is walking the property lines on the back of the properties. Officer had contact with the male at 1404 Pine Street.
Lost property
1220 N. Hudson Street
Walk-in – left wallet on table at Food Basket and now it’s gone. Officer made contact with walk-in.
N. Silver Street
Caller advised a neighbor threw something at his vehicle but could not show any damage/it’s an ongoing issue with the neighbor.
Saturday, Feb. 22
Suspicious persons
Newsham Street
Male was looking inside caller’s home and wandering around his property/wants him issued a CTW. Officer issued a two-year CTW.
3031 E. Highway 180
Caller advised her daughter’s father is harassing people over the phone and threatening to go to the Convention Center and batter other people/they have been separated for six years and are there for her daughter’s baptism and the ceremony is about to start so she doesn’t want someone to respond right now.
Suspicious persons
N. Gold Street
Male sitting in front of doors and won’t let anyone in. Officer out with the male.
Suspicious persons
Corbin Street
Caller advised a female is throwing things into her yard/want her trespassed from both properties. Officer issued the female a CTW for one year to 704 and 604 Corbin Street.
Suspicious persons
Silver Threads
Male opened his pants and peed on the sidewalk/want him issued a CTW for the business. Officer issued the CTW.
La Plata Middle School
The children’s mom had a visit today with her aunt supervising the visit/they did not return the children on time and caller had to go and pick them up. Caller called back requesting an officer now.
Suspicious persons
Juniper Street
Caller advised a group of about seven males of junior high age were in caller’s back yard/they are currently walking south on Juniper/all wearing black hoodies/if contact is made they want CTWs issued. Officer had contact.
Aggravated assault
306 N. Bullard Street
Males and females running around yelling and pushing. Second caller – (redacted) pulled out a small black handgun on him/they are back at Independent Ink.
Sunday, Feb. 23
Domestic disturbance
W. Highway 180
Blue PT Cruiser has people fighting in the vehicle. Officer had negative contact.
Suspicious persons
Blue Jay Lane
Caller advised a neighbor to the north is going onto Fowler’s property and cutting trees and removing grass trying to turn it into a golf course.
Canal Street
Advised he was attacked by a grey pitbull/negative on medical/caller will be waiting outside on the porch with a metal bar. Officer out with (redacted).
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
Officer cannot find second party/first party was (redacted).