Monday, Aug. 26

Welfare check
W. 12th Street
Male and female across the street arguing and believe they are throwing things at each other. Officer advised contact with two subjects on campus/out with a named female and a named male/negative warrants both subjects.

Criminal damage to property
N. Silver Street
Caller's neighbor is pushing the son, yelling at him and slapping him/they are always yelling at the 11-year-old/caller saw the mom's boyfriend hit him. Just kicked out of the house after arguing with his mother/he walked out of the house – not kicked out/but he broke the window to caller's vehicle/caller then told him he was not welcomed back to the house.

Domestic disturbance
1220 N. Hudson Street
Caller's boyfriend hit her and left in a white Hyundai Santa Fe/caller disconnected the line. Officer advised caller is being transported by EMS to GRMC. 

Unwanted subject
Visitor Center
Van parked outside acting like they are having trouble/they are asking for money/if they are not having car issues would like them to leave the area. Officer out with a named female who is waiting for a friend to bring her some oil for her vehicle then she will clear.

Welfare check
N. Silver Street
The 11-year-old boy is outside screaming and crying saying let me in and I want to die already/caller is very concerned at how distraught he is. Officer – en route to GRMC with one juvenile and one female.

Unwanted subject
Bosworth Drive
A named female is outside honking her horn and demanding her child. Caller doesn't want the child who is 3-years-old to go with her reference recent incident between female and new boyfriend. Caller was advised to keep her door shut until LE arrives. Caller says she just left the house/walk-in.

Unwanted subject
601 N. Bullard Street
Male asleep on cement.

Loud music
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments – 9:26 p.m.
Very loud music and son is trying to go to sleep. Officer – everything is okay.

Unwanted subject
1313 E. 32nd Street
Patient in ER waiting room refusing to leave/she is being verbally abusive toward staff/want her removed/negative on CTW. Officer – one female en route to SOS.

Tuesday, Aug. 27

E. Cain and Cottonwood drives
Someone is stealing the gravel that the county road dept has. GCSO deputy advised out at an Ox Bull address for follow-up/advised male who was getting the gravel is actually doing a job for the county/everything is okay.

Criminal sexual penetration
210 W. Highway 180
No report.

Unwanted subject
116 N. Bullard Street
Male goes in every day harassing the employees/he went in today to ask for cigarettes and when he was told no, he started to cuss out the employee.

Game and Fish
1380 E. Highway 180
Dead deer close to the road.

DV order violation
Female walk-in.

Criminal trespass warning
Omega Place
Caller wants a CTW on a named male. GCSO deputy advised attempted to make contact by phone/went to voicemail twice/left message to call dispatch.

Criminal trespass warning
2501 E. Highway 180
Caller has video of a named male who tried taking $95 worth of steak.

Criminal trespass warning
703 Silver Heights Blvd.
Male was smoking fentanyl in the restroom. Officer – negative contact with male.

2501 E. Highway 180
Caller has been harassed by boyfriend's sister every time she goes to Walmart where sister works/she follows her out and starts cussing at her. Officer made contact with caller.

Wednesday, Aug. 28

1221 N. Hudson Street
Customer had fraud on his account.

Welfare check
Highway 15 near dental office
Male sitting next to the road. Officer – negative contact with male in the area.

N. Silver Street
Caller advised someone just stole a package from her porch.

Unwanted subject
N. Bayard Street
Advised a named female is standing in front of her apartment and was trying to open her boyfriend's vehicle/she makes caller feel uncomfortable and would like her to leave. Officer had contact with the female.

Indiana Street
Male advised his mother's boyfriend was trying to be physical with him.

Unwanted subject
1810 N. Swan Street
Female is outside in front of the store refusing to leave/requesting she be issued a CTW. Officer out with Shelly Haley and issued her an indefinite CTW for all Snappy Mart locations.

Thursday, Aug. 29

Unwanted subject
703 Silver Heights Blvd.
Male lying on the floor refusing to leave/negative on CTW/just want him removed. Out with Edward Jaramillo/negative warrants/has been issued indefinite CTW for Denny's.

Domestic disturbance
1040 E. Highway 180
A male and a female are arguing/they are between the back and front building. Checked both locations and negative contact with anyone.

Welfare check
1304 N. Bennett Street – Silver City RV Park
Caller has not heard from her brother for some time. Officer made contact with brother/he will call his sister. Officer called caller.

DV order violation
914 Pope Street
Walk-in told an officer his ex-girlfriend violated their protection order by talking about him on social media.

Welfare check
N. Bullard and W. Kelly streets
Male lying on the ditch side of Kelly Street/may have been there overnight. Officer has contact/male is okay.

Welfare check
N. Hudson Street and E. Broadway
A homeless person just told caller someone is hurt under the bridge in the ditch. Officer requested ambulance for a 65-year-old named male/no insulin.

Welfare check
123 W. 12th Street
Male lying down on the Grant Street side of building. Named male is okay.

Welfare check
N. Silver Street
Caller from Life House Carlsbad wants check on a named female who is supposed to go to caller's location for a detox and her intake sheet states she is suicidal and has a plan/she admitted attempting to commit suicide the past couple of days by drinking herself to death. Officer – female is okay/called caller.

2080 Memory Lane – Valley View Apartments
A named male and his pregnant partner are at location threatening to harm caller/they are supposed to have no contact. Made contact with caller.

Welfare check
Silver High School
Caller told her some girls are trying to jump her/caller's daughter needs to pass by the Lintero Apartments where the girls are now. Officer – two juvi girls in unit en route to Serrina Court.

Missing persons
N. Bayard Street
A named female hasn't been seen in 24 hours. Caller was advised that we have seen and spoken with her today.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
A named male is inside bothering other people and trying to start fights. Officer – male left.

2501 E. Highway 180
Female attempted to shoplift and left out the emergency doors and caller has her inside the store at this time/she tried to take a full basket out/advised will be taking her to the front office. Officer ran IDs on a male and a female.

Domestic disturbance
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Caller advising he and his girlfriend were fighting over his daughter/advised a named male friend pulled out a knife on him. Officer ran four subjects – one female in protective custody.

Domestic disturbance
E. 32nd Street and Ursa Major
Small car with a male and a female inside were arguing at first when they passed caller's house/now she can see them hitting each other. Officer ran the couple/male's mother picked him up/following home then taking mother back for vehicle.

Unwanted subject
1120 E. Highway 180
Male making clerk uncomfortable and nervous. Officer - employee advised she is okay/male is no longer there.

Welfare check
Tracy Circle
Caller from HMS said an 84-year-old female received a critical lab that her blood sugar is over 600 and caller is unable to make contact with her/patient is Spanish-speaking only. Daughter made contact and female is okay/blood sugar is okay.