Monday, Feb. 3

Criminal damage to property
Ridge Loop
Male from GRMC Security stated he found pry marks on the door.

Unwanted subject
Little Walnut Road
Caller advised her son is refusing to leave/does not want a CTW just wants him to leave. Caller called back advising male left. Officer had contact with male Little Walnut and Cain/issued male a CTW to redacted address.

Suspicious persons
Arizona and Gila streets
Caller states an unknown male is walking in this area looking into yards. Officer had contact with caller advising the subject is at his home/clear.

Unwanted subject
W. 7th Street
Caller advised her brother is there causing issues/he is under the influence heavily of narcotics and has been awake for days/just verbal at this time. Officers advise male left prior to arrival.

Missing persons
16th Street
Caller advised son is homeless/last seen staying behind Pizza Hut on Friday.

Dog bite
E. Highway 180 and Ranch Club Road
Caller advised she was inside State Farm and a small Yorkie bit her about 10 minutes ago/she is at the hospital getting checked out.

Suspicious persons
Little Walnut Road
Caller believes someone is in her kitchen/she heard them five minutes ago/she is locked in her bedroom. Officer – both units clear/going to frequent patrol through the night.

Reckless driver
E. 38th Street
Vehicle last seen speeding toward Silver Street. Second caller – sounds like they hit something on Silver Street/caller stated her husband went outside and got into an argument with the driver. Third caller from 38th Street believes the vehicle goes to a house a couple houses down from his. Second caller called back stating vehicle is blacked out at the end of Silver Street on the dirt road. Officer went traffic with vehicle in PNM parking lot.

Suspicious persons
N. Gold Street
Caller stated they found a male in the yard/don't know who he is/male stated he is looking for his home. Officer giving male a ride to a Gold Street address.

Tuesday, Feb. 4

Bank alarm
1110 N. Hudson Street
Hold-up alarm. Officer had contact with bank employees/false alarm/everything is okay.

Code infraction
N. Pope Street
Caller wants a public service regarding her neighbor's dogs that always bark and have an RV parked illegally using power from an underground source.

Breaking and entering
Hill Street
Officers – issue frequent patrol for this entire complex for the next month/anyone who LE has contact with issue indefinite CTW.

2501 E. Highway 180
Caller has her in the office/does not want to press charges but wants her trespassed. Officer issued the female a CTW for two years.

Missing persons
S. State Street
A named male was last seen wearing burnt orange pants and shirt/he walks with a limp. Caller called back to say the male just walked in the door/he is doing okay.

Hit & run
Little Walnut Road
Someone hit caller's car on the driver's side/headlight not in place and bumper is detached.

Wednesday, Feb. 5

Suspicious persons
E. 32nd Street
Caller advised a T-shirt is hanging on the entry fence with either blood or paint on it. Dispatch advised to leave the shirt there until LE arrives. Officer – everything is okay.

Criminal trespass
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
A named male is there and they want him issued a CTW/he threatened the staff/he is outside on the basketball court. Officers issued the male an indefinite CTW.

Walk-in advised that a named male was following him yesterday and blocked him so he could not exit his vehicle and was verbally yelling and cursing at him. Officer advised for walk-in to call Dispatch next time he sees the male following and harassing him.

Domestic disturbance
Plata Road
Caller advised her daughter hit and punched her/caller does not want medical.

501 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller – they were being very rude and refused to leave/they are preventing vehicles from going in and out of their office. Officer – both parties are on the same page.

Silver Street
Officer – protest disbanded prior to arrival.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
They are now separated and outside yelling at each other/caller stated neither of the females look like they need medical attention. Officer – one female was trespassed from SOS.

Domestic disturbance
Cain Drive
Caller says her baby dad is being violent with her/he broke down the door to her bedroom/she wants him removed/five children are in the house.

Suspicious persons
1502 Silver Street
Autozone employee called to say a male was just in trying to use counterfeit money.

1105 E. Highway 180
A named male employee pushed caller really hard. Officer – caller stating he wants NMSP/units cleared.

Thursday, Feb. 6

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
A named male is starting altercations with workers and others who are there/they asked him to step out for the time being/would like him taken to the warming center. Officer – clear/negative on a CTW.

Aggravated burglary
Little Walnut Road
Rock River Arms – 5.56 caliber – clear NCIC

Unwanted subject
3025 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a male and a female showed up in a bronze car/the dumpster is behind the store/they are leaving going toward Walmart.

Indecent exposure
W. College Avenue
Caller advised a man has his pants down/he is currently under the tree at the library/he has been kind of living there for the past two months.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street -- SOS
Caller states a named female is on property trying to get through staff/she has a CTW.

Code infraction
N. Bennett Street
Officer spoke to property owner about her property that her brother stays on/she said she would get someone to clean the property/she was advised the water was being prepared to be shut off for non-payment along with the trash receptacles getting picked up for non-payment.

N. Cooper Street
Would like an officer to come pick up narcotics.

Unwanted subject
W. Victoria Street
A named female walked in and is refusing to leave. Officer issued indefinite CTW.

Domestic disturbance
Alabama Street
Caller stated she received a call from her mother who said her father with a history of dementia is trying to hit her/caller is at work and unable to go check on them/her father usually isn't violent so she isn't sure what is going on.

Suspicious persons
Pinos Altos Road
Female on the corner/has blond hair/wearing a black shirt and underwear only/keeps lifting her shirt and acting like she is going to run into the road. Officer advised to pend call for now.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Caller says a male is sitting outside on the bench/caller would like him removed and issued a CTW/he was running round naked through the building. Officers had contact with male and issued an indefinite CTW to Carl Edwards for the SOS.

Unwanted subject
1315 N. Hudson Street
Caller advised a named male was inside three minutes ago and he is not allowed on the property/request a CTW if contact is made. Officers issued the male an indefinite CTW.

Suspicious persons
E. Kelly Street
Caller says kids are putting spotlights in her house/caller is scared they will go into her yard. Officer advised spoke to caller's husband/everything is okay/negative contact with any kids.