Monday, Jan. 27
Suspicious persons
Cielo Azul Road
Caller advising his wife saw a male inside their yard/cannot see him anymore. Officer - negative contact.
Suspicious persons
2154 E. Highway 180
Female next door at the Bells (Beall's?) touching the lock and walking around the front of the building. Officer – was one of the workers surveying the place.
610 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller advising a named female and her mother-in-law just stole a lot of items from the store/left in a white 4dr car/wants them both issued CTWs. Officer – College and Hudson ATLing for the vehicle.
2501 E. Highway 180
Caller says a male on a motorcycle just stole some items but asset protection was able to retrieve the items/male left west toward town. Officer – no report.
Tuesday, Jan. 28
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Caller advised she has heard loud banging and yelling coming from an apartment/can hear a female yelling to leave her alone/can now hear the female crying.
Criminal damage to property
Leslie Road
Damage to door/believes someone was trying to gain entry/no entry was obtained.
No classification
E. 25th Street
White Crown Victoria just took mail out of her mailbox /it was a female/possibly driving toward Swan Street.
Reckless driver
No location given
Four kids in van/possible DWI. Officer – will ATL for it.
Intoxicated driver
Scott Park
Named intoxicated male driving a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee/he should be just getting into Silver from the Ridges.
Domestic disturbance
11th Street
Caller says her boyfriend is stealing money/male and female are arguing/caller stated the boyfriend is claiming it is his money/caller's mother got on the phone saying caller gave the boyfriend money for the phone bill but wants it back. Officer out with the male/advised all verbal.
Wednesday, Jan. 29
Gold Street
An intoxicated named subject left in a blue Dodge going down Swan Street. Officer – ATL with negative contact with vehicle.
Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter – 4:17 a.m.
Officer advised the subject left the area and was given a CTW until 6 a.m. today.
Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS – 6:22 a.m.
The named subject is back on the property/wants a CTW issued for 24 hours/she is causing issues by yelling and calling people names. Officer issued the female a CTW for 48 hours/she left the property.
Unwanted subject
Warming Center – 9:07 a.m.
Caller advised a named subject is in a silver SUV sleeping/he was supposed to have left by 8 a.m./does not want a CTW. Officer – the male had his vehicle moved to this location/has until tomorrow morning to move it or it will be towed.
No classification
S. State Street – 10:37 a.m.
A U-Haul on contract until the 24th/advised he would drop it off by 8 a.m. and still has not returned/wants to report it as stolen.
Louisiana Street
Officer – one took off walking and the other driving/will be ATLing the area/negative contact with anyone in the area/named female is under the influence of narcotics or has mental issues.
2501 E. Highway 180
Caller advised his dark green electric bike was taken sometime in the last hour. Whoever took it was wearing a black hoodie. Officer – talk to security for footage.
Silver Street.
No narrative.
Criminal damage to property
Caller advised someone caused damage to a truck's gas tank and took all the gas. Caller en route to meet with officer.
Reckless driver
N. Silver Street
Black Camaro or Charger or Challenger following her until Stout/he was throwing his hands out at her.
N. Silver Street
Subject who threatened to harm caller is with four other people in the parking lot/subject is going toward a white Nissan.
Thursday, Jan.30
1040 E. Highway 180
A named male is in a room near the office/female states male is looking for his dogs/also beating up his girlfriend/stated to hurry then hung up. Officer issued the male a CTW to Motel 6/one female in unit en route to address off 15th Street.
Unwanted subject
S. Robert Street – El Refugio
A named female needs to be escorted off the property/confronting and yelling at others/cussing and acting out. Officer – female is getting her belongings/they will callback to issue CTW. Caller called back/female is ready to leave. Female was issued a CTW for three months.
Big Ditch/food
Officer – have contact with two named subjects behind Sierra Communications/negative contact with anyone kicking cans.
He will be in the security office. Officer – at SC Care Center to issue CTW to Donna (no last name given).
West Street
Call from NMSP. Female states other residents are making noise and keeping her up.