Friday, Jan. 31

Kelly Street
Officer – contact with male and talked about his RV at the SPIN shelter/will be clear.

Suspicious persons
N. Main Street
Walk-in wants to report a list of things happening on his property.

Unwanted subject
Sheriff Posse Road
Caller advised child's father is there causing issues/in a blue Chevy Trailblazer/he is always there causing issues and trying to fight employees/want him issued a CTW. Officer went traffic with vehicle at Sara Court and Brianna Way.

Suspicious persons
2501 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a guy is working on his vehicle with pants down showing his butt.

Reckless driver
E. 12th and N. Corbin streets
Black BMW chasing a white SUV/driving at a high rate of speed/ran stop signs. Officer went traffic at 710 Cielo Azul with a black BMW.

Gough Park
Caller says her niece has been harassing her the last couple of days. Officer – negative contact with anyone.

2501 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a named male has been stalking and following her. Officer – talked to caller/call already handled.

Suspicious persons
W. Gila Street
Caller says he has video of a male acting suspicious on the porch of one of his rentals.

Suspicious persons
N. Gold Street
Young male banging on caller's door/he left in a white Toyota 4Runner. Officer advised made contact with caller/will ATL the vehicle.

Saturday, Feb. 1

Weapons fired
E. Broadway
Two shots fired then a person whistled/about five minutes ago. Officers – contact with a female on Corbin and Spring streets who stated her daughter called in the call/ATL the area with negative contact.

Suspicious persons
2501 E. Highway 180
Female on the grocery side advising someone at Wendy's was asking her to have sex with them for money/believes the female has a CTW for Walmart.

No classification
Fowler Avenue
Resident reporting missing money.

Unwanted subject
E. 15th Street
Caller advised she has a CTW against a named male who is on her property/not causing issues just keeps going back and bothering the man cleaning the yard.

Sunday, Feb. 2

Suspicious persons
Mississippi Street
Caller advised there is a white truck with firewood in the back/she also hears chopping from the trees and believes no one is supposed to be out there getting wood. Tried to give this call to Forest Service/they advised they do not have jurisdiction due to this happening within city limits.

Loud music
Alice Street
Caller says the neighbor is blasting loud vulgar music/has asked neighbor to turn it down and he refuses.

Criminal trespass
E. 11th Street
Caller wants a named male issued a CTW/however her daughter keeps allowing him back on the property.

Loud music
San Vicente
Small black car playing loud music/it's so loud it's hurting his ears/believes no one is inside the vehicle.

2501 E. Highway 180
Caller stated the male in blue pants might have another bottle but is not sure/walking toward McDonald's. Officer advised contact with male on Ranch Club Road and Highway 180/male did not have any items on him/units clear.

Suspicious persons
Caller stated he saw a male trying to get into another vehicle as well/he left walking toward Broadway. Officer advised male was issued a CTW and he left the area.