Monday, Mar. 17

Hit and run
Bullard Street
Officer made contact with a female who advised another vehicle crashed into her 2024 Subaru Outback displaying a license number of (redacted) in the downtown area/unknown date and time.

Unwanted subject
Sotol Street
Caller says a homeless male is staying in the shed across the street from him and no one is supposed to be on the premises. Officer had contact with a named male who stated he is renting out the property.

Tuesday, Mar. 18

Suspicious persons
Corbin Street
Caller owns this property and advised an unknown male walked through the property/says no one is supposed to be there/caller is not there, she saw it on her camera. Officer – on foot/a German shepherd is in the back yard.

Suspicious persons
Swan And 7th streets
Female tried to get in a late model Ford and also a newer model green Jeep/she is now by the park by SOS.

Suspicious persons
N. Hudson Street
Female was yelling at caller in the parking lot and then hit her arm/wants her CTW'd/walking toward downtown. Officer – negative contact with female downtown.

Suspicious persons
S. Bullard Street
Female was messing with cars in the parking lot/she's sitting on someone's car right now/she is disturbing customers at Jalisco's. Officer – have contact at Bullard and Market/issued 2-year CTW for Hudson Snappy and CTW for Jalisco's for 6-months

Criminal trespass
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
Need a male issued a CTW/he is standing outside the building/he is no longer on the property/will call if he returns.

Open door
Ohio Street and Little Walnut Road
Caller stated the owner of the house is deceased and no one should be at the residence. Officer on scene.

Unwanted subject
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Stated a named male is on the property and they don't want him there/he was making threats he was going to kill someone/caller stated male has a short temper. Officer – out on foot to ATL.

Suspicious persons
W. Market Street
Caller stated about 2 or 3 weeks ago someone tried breaking into his house/he is not home but his wife noticed the subjects and vehicle in the area. Officer – will frequent patrol throughout the night.

Wednesday, Mar. 19

Suspicious persons
Alabama Street
Caller believes someone is hacking his phone and turning the cameras off. Officer – caller has mental issues.

Unwanted subject
N. Silver Street – 3:59 a.m.
Officer – one female in custody/en route to station/change call to aggravated battery.

N. Silver Street – 7:13 a.m.
Caller advised her RV was broken into/a named female is wearing her backpack that was taken from the RV/female also has a black eye/she is hiding the backpack under a jacket. Officer has contact with female on Amistad Street/one in investigative detention.

Suspicious persons
1445 E. Highway 180
States two red vehicles are parked behind the Livingston/a male got out of one vehicle and urinated in the parking lot/wants them removed/does not want a CTW.

Game and Fish
11588 Highway 180
Injured deer that is still alive/leg is snapped in half/needs to be put down/is out of the road on the westbound side. Officer – two shots fired.

Code enforcement
Swan and Pine streets
White Dodge Durango parked in the bike lane. Officer – advised the female to move her vehicle/gave her a door hanger/will check later to see if she moved it.

Unwanted subject
S. Texas Street
A male and a female with a dog are refusing to leave/caller wants them removed. Second caller advising Gospel Mission is refusing to serve her if she doesn't show them her service dog paperwork/advised she doesn't need to show them because it is a HIPPA violation. Officer issued the female a CTW for 30 days.

Suspicious persons
N. Swan Street
On Monday night or early Tuesday morning someone went through caller's vehicle and took a backpack and ate some food/he had left a back window open while he aired out his truck.

Unwanted subject
800 S. Robert Street – El Refugio
Wants a CTW issued to a named subject sitting by the back gate. Officer issued subject a 2-year CTW.

Warming Center
FTA traffic violation/hold without bond or $120 cash bond. Officer – has subject in investigative detention/APO hold aggravated battery against a household member with deadly weapon.

Thursday, Mar. 20

E. Broadway
Male at this location yelling at a female/they are inside the trailer. Officer made contact with the male who stated he and the female had been arguing because they are stressed about their 4-month-old baby being sick. Male stated the argument was never physical and nothing was thrown or damaged during the argument. Another officer made contact with the female.

Code enforcement
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Female in a fur jacket camping on side property next to the SOS/caller states there is a lot of traffic and camps here. Officer advised that those people are on park property and they do leave at night and advised if we can have units frequent patrol the area at night/will be clear.

E. Market Street
States that her boyfriend will not stop calling her and driving past her house/wants to make a report.

524 E. Market Street
Two named males with a female just stole a bunch of merchandise and left eastbound in a Toyota Sequoia. Officers ATL.

2707 E. Highway 180
A named male is the suspect/unknown what was taken/the alarm went off as he went through the door. Caller advised that officers advised her that they were on scene and male is headed westbound/male is at the dumpster at Walgreen's, contact on Sheriff's Posse Road and he has a knife/male was released on a CTA.

Criminal trespass
615 N. Texas Street
Caller advised a male has been messing with items on their jobsite/he has pictures of the male/wants him issued a CTW/male is not on site now. Caller was advised someone would respond when available.

Suspicious persons
W. College Avenue
Female wearing a green hoodie taking a recycling bin/caller does not want a CTW issued/Female is at the library at this time. Officer - made contact Bayard and College/out with (redacted)/she put the recycling bins back,