Friday, Mar. 21

Suspicious persons
Gold Street
Caller caught a male stealing firewood this morning/a neighbor called saying the male is taking more/caller wants a CTW issued.

Suspicious persons
W. Broadway
Caller advised a male is yelling and cussing outside so caller closed and locked their doors/male is no longer there/last seen going on Bayard Street. Caller called back requesting to speak with an officer/an employee just had another incident with the male. Officer advised he will give caller a phone call.

1928 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a female was yelling and pushed and shoved one of the employees/female left driving a blue Ford Ranger going east on Highway 180. Officer out on Flury Lane – Manzano's RV Park/issued CTW to female for 2 years from First New Mexico Bank.

503 N. Hudson Street
Second caller advised the manager of La Familia requests to speak with an officer. Officer – made contract with a named subject at Hudson Snappy/issued subject CTW for 3 months from La Familia/will be clear.

Suspicious persons
1011 N. Hudson Street
Walk-in advised she gave a suspicious person a ride to a residence outside city limits/she feels unsafe around the person but does not wish to have the person trespassed from her property.

Open door
12th and Swan streets
A blue house has one of the doors cracked open/caller takes care of it for another person. Officers – everything is okay/advised to lift the robbery call/will be out with caller.

Code enforcement
Sotol Street
Reference a shed moved onto this property. Officer spoke to caller and he called Community Development.

Reckless driver
Highway 180
Kid on a black Suzuki motorcycle/going in and out of traffic and "leaning"/the bike just sped off and caller has stopped at Wells Fargo. Officer-went all the way to College Avenue with negative contact.

301 N. Bullard Street
Wallet and keys were stolen/possibly knows who took them. Officer advised to put named subject as possible suspect.

Criminal trespass
111 W. College Avenue
Caller advised a named female came into the store and caller asked her to leave and she then started making threats/she is not there now.

Unwanted subject
1342 E. Highway 180
Two homeless people in the back parking lot just hanging out and "making out"/wants them to leave. Officer- a named male and a female were asked to move along.

Unwanted subject
1060 E. Highway 180
Clerk wants them removed off the property. Officer – did a wellcheck on the kids and they are okay/advised them to keep it down.

Saturday, Mar. 22

Unwanted persons
Cecilia Street
Unknown named 23-year-old male is refusing to leave/he is heavily under the influence of alcohol/he is not causing issues but caller does not want him there/negative on a CTW/they are close friends/he just won't leave. Officer – en route to an address on Skyview with one male.

Fire alarm
3200 N. Silver Street
Fire alarm going off inside the school/heard it when passing by. Officers – alarm going off on all buildings/out on north and west sides of building/alarm was shut off.

Suspicious persons
100 E. 17th Street – Casa Linda Apartments
Caller advised someone is banging on his back window/caller just looked through the window and can see a male by the window.

Suspicious persons
123 W. 12th Street
Caller advised a named male is in front of the store drinking/caller is concerned as the male pulled a gun out on caller six months ago.

N. Bennett Street
Walk-in reporting a male who was taking pictures of his friend from behind without her permission.

La Capilla Street
Green older model pickup were lighting fireworks at La Capilla and throwing them out of the vehicle. Officer ATL with negative contact.

Domestic disturbance
855 Silver Heights Blvd.
They are fighting for the driver's seat in a green Dodge Ram/he has it in drive and is going to drag her/he hit the wall at the Drifter/the customer is now cussing at caller for calling LE/he is grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels and walking toward the ditch/the female is in the green Dodge van at the stop sign. Officer – negative on any damage at the Drifter/en route to Marathon.

Suspicious person;
Stagecoach Storage
Caller is in the back by the unit/she will wait for LE to come and take photographs. Officer advised female has mental issues/will be clear.

Mint Chip
Backpack with laptop and other items.

Unwanted subject
910 E. Highway 180
Caller says a male is outside making inappropriate comments to juvenile females/stole a pizza from a customer/trying set up camp outside now. Officer advised the male was issued a 2-year CTW to Domino's Pizza.

Arizona Street
Stated someone cut through the fence as well. Officers advised out with a named subject/ran subject.

1220 N. Hudson Street
Male has tribal tattoo on right side of his face/walking north toward Lotaburger. Officers advised they were able to recover the merchandise from the named male/going back to Food Basket to see if they are still open to return the merchandise.

Suspicious persons
W. 7th Street
Caller stated a male is in a tent at this location and seems to have a flame inside the tent. Officer advised male does have a propane heater/did not have it on at the time/will be clear.

Sunday, Mar. 23

Criminal trespass
1315 N. Hudson Street
Male was sitting in patio/keeps pulling at doors even though they're closed/on foot just loitering for past 30 minutes/male just walked off/is in front of Sonic/want him issued a 2-year CTW.

Suspicious persons
Gold and 16th streets
Female taking pictures of meters and license plates and yelling while she is doing it. Officer – at cul-de-sac with female.

Hit and run
2501 E. Highway 180
Happened at Walmart this morning/caller's husband's white GMC.

Domestic disturbance
N. Bennett Street
Caller advising her husband just went into the home trying to take their baby/subjects are arguing/he is accusing her of cheating and now he wants to take the baby/the baby is with her mother/subjects are still arguing.

Unwanted subject
1313 E. 32nd Street
A named subject has been discharged for hours/is in the waiting room refusing to leave.

Suspicious persons
1956 E. Highway 180
Caller states a named male called her phone threatening to shoot her daughter. Advised her they had him at Albertson's. Officer has one in investigative detention.

Reckless driver
1606 Market Street
Small motor bike was cutting caller off/was a child and made caller swerve. Officer had negative contact.

Monday, Mar. 24

Unwanted subject
Need them removed from the ER waiting room. Officers issued a 2-year CTW only for emergency services.

Unwanted subject
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
A named female is knocking on her door/wants her removed and a CTW issued/female is now yelling.

Code enforcement
E. 20th Street
Tree from neighbor's house hanging over his driveway/unknown if anyone lives in the house/worried the wind is going to blow it over into his yard or on his car. Officer had negative contact with anyone on site. Caller called back again requesting another call.

No classification (Criminal trespass?)
2501 E. Highway 180
A named female is outside the store yelling at the store manager/they want her removed and issued a CTW/she has a bottle of alcohol she is drinking from. Officer out with female who has an active warrant and issued her a 2-year CTW for Walmart.

Code enforcement
N. Swan and E. 6th streets – 12:36 p.m.
Abandoned houses homeless keep getting into. Officer out at City Annex/going to call . . .

Suspicious persons
E. 6th and N. Swan streets – 3:29 p.m.
There is a shed on the lot to the north that two males and one female are possibly burglarizing/advised they reside in the condemned house on 6th and Swan. Caller called back advising they are in the adobe shed at the neighboring lot.

610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
Caller hears a female yelling/advising it was two women stating they were going to "kick their ass"/caller advised she has a business and needs LE to shut them up or arrest them/advised it has been going on for the past hour/caller advised she owns a business and cannot have this happening. Officer – arrest warrant out of Mag 1.

Reckless driver
2045 E. Highway 180
Maroon Lexus going superfast and going in and out of traffic/turning off at Durango Street. Officer – contact with vehicle and named male at Domino's/everything is okay/was trying to avoid a collision.

Suspicious persons
1342 E. Highway 180
Advised people are knocking on doors/male is now by the dumpster. Officer will check with front desk.