Friday, Oct. 4

Welfare check
1050 E. Pine Street – The Gardens
Open 911 with a named female. Officer- everything is okay.

Criminal trespass warning
855 Silver Heights Blvd.
A female is yelling at employees/they already have a CTW/she is leaving. Officer has contact with Sarah Cyrus on 18th and Cactus/she does have CTW to Exxon issued multiple times/last issued in June 2024/CTW reissued.

3025 E. Highway 180
Caller from Ace advised occurred last night. Officer – as soon as clear from other call will respond.

503 N. Hudson Street
Caller from La Familia advised a female came in stating a named male is harassing her/male left toward the laundry place on Hudson.

Criminal trespass warning
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
A named male needs a CTW issued for one week/he did hit someone. Officer issued the CTW to Jonathon Proudlock.

Breaking and entering
1915 N. Swan Street
Caller advised someone tried to break into her office as there are paint chips near the door on the floor.

418 Silver Heights Blvd.
Officer – 30-year-old female with knee injury/request ambulance for 42-year-old female with head injury. EMS10 – signed refusal.

Criminal trespass warning
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Caller advised the named male is back and they need him removed/he is not being aggressive. Officer – Jonathon left the property/advised the next time he goes back he will be arrested.

2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Caller advised neighbors are harassing her 8-year-old son. Officer spoke to a named female who advised her son went to the Pumpkin Patch today with Stout Elementary and two students were picking on her son/she has been having problems with that family.

Welfare check
1502 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller from Autozone advised a male is yelling and "acting crazy," he is wanting to fight people and asking for money/he is walking around the whole plaza. Officer – male left prior to arrival.

Game and Fish
1313 E. 32nd Street
Caller advised a dead fawn that was just hit is in the road. Officer – deer is out of the roadway/GSR picked up the deer and will call back when the dump opens.

Criminal trespass warning
106 N. Bullard Street
Caller has CTW on a named male/says male is homeless/male is on the property. Officers made contact with the male.

Criminal trespass warning
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
The named male is right outside the front door/he is not causing problems. Officer – he departed prior to arrival.

Domestic disturbance
1040 E. Highway 180
A named male is about to leave/a named female is the female/she could also hear kids crying and things being thrown around. Officers – verbal only/warned about being called again.

Unwanted subject
N. Gold Street
Caller says he and a female were drinking and started to argue/he does not want to let her back in/female has his phone and he wants it back/caller is Spanish-speaking only. Officers – all verbal/taking female home to an address on Yucca Street.

Welfare check
W. College Avenue
Caller can hear a noise or someone saying help/has been going on for about 10 minutes/now it stopped. Officer – made contact with occupant/everything is okay/also spoke with caller.

Saturday, Oct. 5

Lamina Loop
Caller's mother is sending her threatening messages. Officer issued Susan Meeks an indefinite CTW.

Welfare check
Mann Drive
Caller and her sister are arguing/advised everyone is tripping out bad/advised not to send anyone/it has just been a bad day. Caller says her sister made a threat and sister says she did not. Officer – units clear/negative physical.

Welfare check
109 N. Bullard Street
A named male.

Welfare check
E. 32nd Street and Leslie Road
A female looks like she is passing out. Officer – female advised she is okay.

Unwanted subject
505 N. Hudson Street – SW Adolescent Group
Caller advised a named female is in her dumpster/she does this often/they ask her to leave and she refuses/three other people are with her.

2501 E. Highway 180
Two males fighting in front of the registers/they were yelling and spitting at each other/there is a female with a purple hoodie.

Welfare check
1810 N. Swan Street
Caller advised they found a 4-year-old male child/he was in traffic and they got him. Officers were dispatched to the intersection of 19th and Swan streets.

Mississippi Street and Highway 180
Someone tagged the east wall on the north side of the underpass.

Welfare check
1040 E. Highway
Caller states her husband went missing from Motel 6/has a black Jeep Cherokee/missing since Oct. 3/never showed up for work at Chino Mines/is from Page. AZ. Officer made contact with male/he did call caller back.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
A named male is outside and they want a CTW issued to him. Officer issued Christopher Griego the CTW.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
A named male is outside and has a CTW/getting aggressive with people/they want him removed. Officer out with male on 7th and Gold streets/male advised he was being chased by someone with a gun.

Welfare check
Mann Drive
Caller heard a male say if you let me in, I won't shoot you. Officer advised they have contact/spoke with homeowner/everything is okay.

Domestic disturbance
San Vicente and S. Texas streets
There is a verbal domestic/sounds physical. Officer advised tried knocking on the door/no answer.

Sunday, Oct. 6

910 E. 32nd Street
Altercation going on/verbal only at this time. Officer contacted a named male who advised he was worried because he had a couple of baby mommas/officer observed his emotions to be high.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
The named male who was issued a CTW last night is on the side of the connex.

Welfare check
Public Library
Male with a shopping cart is on the property/believes he has been drinking. Officer made contact/everything is okay.

Welfare check
915 Silver Heights Blvd.
Female lying on the road/has a large dog with her. Officer – female advised she is okay and will be moving soon.

1600 16th Street – Mountain View Senior Apartments
Caller advised someone went into his apartment and took the keys to his vehicle/also stole the spare key/also stole his debit card but not the wallet and has used it already. Officer – caller will possibly call back tomorrow.

1618 N. Pine Street
Passerby advised they noticed the shed on the side of the building propped open and the lock broken.

Mountain View Road
Officer spoke to caller who advised her mother keeps verbally harassing her/caller moved her from Ohio but wants nothing to do with her mother.

Kentucky Street
Female outside in the back/a named male threw Tabasco sauce.

Welfare check
Yucca Street
40-something male states he wants to harm himself/threatened to kill himself within five days.

Welfare check
Family Dollar – Silver Heights Blvd.
Female with flashlights tried to get in front of caller's vehicle. Officers out with a named female.