Monday, Sept. 23

Unwanted subject
1956 E. Highway 180
Caller from Albertson's – a named female tried to steal makeup/she is walking toward the Shell/wants a CTW issued/she just went into Arby's. Andrea Hernandez issued CTW for Albertson's.

Welfare check
Suntanner Road
62-year-old male has heart health issues/told brother he was leaving for Tucson this morning at 4:45/he hasn't arrived yet/his mother and brother-in-law live in the house in front of him if there are any questions. GCSO deputy spoke with mother and brother-in-law who advised he left about 30 minutes ago/calling caller.

Accident-property damage
N. Swan and E. 12th streets
Caller advised a NMSP officer just pulled up.

Loud music
West Street
Neighbor playing loud music.

Welfare check
311 N. Bullard Street
Caller states a black vehicle is parked nearby and she saw smoke and thought vehicle was possibly on fire/then the smoke stopped but no one is around. Officer had negative contact.

Tuesday, Sept. 24

Welfare check
S. Cooper Street and La Capilla Road
Caller, Shelter Advocate, heard yelling/sounded like a female. Officer ATL in area of La Capilla/contact with female and two males/everything is okay.

Mental health complaint
N. Juniper Street
A friend and roommate of a 47-year-old female schizophrenic advised she is having an episode/she is yelling and becoming more aggressive with herself. Officers made contact with a named female at her residence. EMS2 – patient refused transport.

711 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller advised his paint sprayer was stolen. Officer - report pending due to poor quality footage of subject.

W. College Avenue
Female caller is being harassed by a neighbor across the street/she was screaming at caller and then started chasing after caller's friend when she left. Officer made contact with caller.

Domestic disturbance
Sara Court – 4:40 p.m.
Daughter just showed up after being in a domestic with her boyfriend/had been hit in the face/also has marks around her neck/boyfriend is not on scene/refused medical/unknown where domestic happened. Officer – en route to dispatch to get DVO against Derrick Lopez.

DVO served
Swarthmore Street – 6:05 p.m.
No report.

2334 Ranch Club Road
Employee of Griffin's Propane states someone took her things from her storage unit and threw it in the dumpster. Officer out at Griffin's.

110 S. Bullard Street
Girlfriend is refusing to give caller his keys/he showed up to pick her up in her vehicle and she got upset with him/they are separated. Officer – Christian Tafoya was issued an indefinite CTW to Jalisco's.

Game and Fish
1313 E. 32nd Street
Gentleman possibly saw a mountain lion in the parking lot/they did check the cameras and at 9:16 p.m. they saw an image of what could be a mountain lion/ran south of the ER/caller also reported it to G&F. Officer was advised.

Wednesday, Sept. 25

Welfare check
2005 E. Highway 180 – 5:21 a.m.
Stated no one has heard from her possibly 17 or 18-year-old boyfriend/advised he was picked up by his brother/boyfriend usually gets off work around 11:30 p.m./has called him over 20 times/sometimes it rings and sometimes goes straight to VM/last heard from boyfriend around midnight.

Unwanted subject
The Hub
By the awning of Forrest Pizza there is a homeless person. Officer – male is working on some paperwork/owner of the Hub called advising they want the male removed but no CTW/male left the property.

Criminal trespass warning
Louisiana Street
Caller needs a CTW issued to subjects who live at an Alabama Street address/wants frequent patrol night shift/issue CTWs to anyone they see. Officer out at a West 13th Street address/negative contact/put out frequent patrol for next two weeks.

Welfare check
Harrison Schmitt School
Female went up to the fence line very distraught/she advised she was abused/female left saying she was going to get help from a church.

Criminal trespass warning
Louisiana Street
Tim Morris, Crystal Morce, Matthew Knight, and Trulee May were all issued CTWs to location.

Fowler Avenue
Caller's male named neighbor keeps harassing her. Officer made contact with caller.

Criminal trespass warning
1201 Pope Street
Employee from Wells Fargo Bank advised a named male is back on the property and they want a CTW issued. Officer issued indefinite CTW to Johnathan Proudlock.

Accident-property damage
Silver Heights Blvd. and N. Corbin Street
Yellow Ford Mustang vs black Dodge Ram/negative injuries/both vehicles out of roadway.

Welfare check
E. 7th Street
Advised a male is sitting in the roadway in front of her residence. Officer out with male.

Unwanted subject
17th Street
Advised she is calling on behalf of another female who stated a named female is at the residence and she is not wanted there/female just texted caller requesting LE to respond. Officer advised subjects were disputing over who gets custody of the cat.

Accident-property damage
1775 E. Pine Street (Moose Lodge)
Female in a brown SUV hit a vehicle and she is not responding/advised female possibly had a seizure/around 18 to 20-years-old/eyes are rolled back. Contact was made with a named male/he will be enroute to location.

Thursday, Sept. 26

Welfare check
Silver Heights Blvd.
GCSO deputy called advising a male is at his residence advising he was kicked out of his house by his mother. Officer advised child was returned to his mother.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
Case manager called advising a named female is causing issues and is becoming hostile and verbally aggressive/caller wants a CTW for 24 hours/female is currently inside near the women's bunks. Officer issued CTW to Juliette for 24 hours/she is leaving now.

Breaking And entering
Little Walnut Road
Caller's rental has pry marks on the door and the gate was broke into/the sliding glass door was open Officer had contact with worker/valid and clear NM (DL)/walk around to glass door/heavy frequent patrol next two weeks.

Suicide threat
Plata Road
No report.

Welfare check
2045 E. Highway 180
Caller advised an elderly woman with a pink sweater on, a cast, and a walker/she is having trouble walking. Officer had negative contact/asked clerk at Shell who advised female left/unknown if on foot or vehicle.

1310 E. 32nd Street
Caller from Arroyo Med terminated a named male and he assaulted him/he took his shirt and threw it in caller's face/caller does not want to press charges but wants a report in case other party states otherwise. Officer had public service with caller.

Criminal trespass warning
2709 Leslie Road – Gateway Apartments
Caller wants a CTW issued to a named male for whole complex/tenants have been having issues with him/he is not there now. Officer had negative contact with caller/put out ATL for Patrick Sierra.

E. 8th Street – 1:49 p.m.
Caller advised his named male neighbor may have taken his firearm a few months back which was already reported/male is now knocking on caller's door and telling him to go outside and shoot him and fight him/he has also been throwing rocks at caller's trailer. Officer enroute to location possible criminal damage/issued indefinite CTW to Marty Delgado for location.

Welfare check
110 S. Bullard Street
A named male may be under the influence and is in a really old tan or brown pickup/he is in the back of Jalisco's in the gated parking lot.

Domestic disturbance
N. Gold Street
Caller says his son is causing a disturbance, cussing caller out . . .

E. 8th Street – 8:49 p.m.
Advised that a named male was hitting his vehicle/he wants to file a report/male threw a rock at the vehicle.