Monday, Sept. 30

Between two girls/parents wanting to press charges/all are in the office.

Unwanted subject
520 N. Bullard Street
Male attempted to shoplift/is sitting on the bench out front/got the merchandise back/want him trespassed. Officer had negative contact with anyone at the bench.

Welfare Check
La Capilla
Caller from El Refugio can hear what sounds like a female or a child screaming. Officer out with suspicious vehicle/grey Honda Pilot/back out at La Capilla.

Tuesday, Oct. 1

610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
A named male needs to be removed/he threatened caller and is slamming doors and yelling/he is standing outside screaming and cursing/possibly under the influence/this isn't his normal morning behavior/want him removed for the day. Officer – units clear/Jonathon Proudlock issued indefinite CTW for 24 hours.

Criminal trespass
Bard Street
Someone has a small grey car and a motorhome on his property. Officer – open door of trailer on property and negative contact with anyone inside.

4505 E. Highway 180
Storage shed was broken into.

Mississippi Street – underpass
Took pictures of a female putting graffiti on the underpass.

Accident-property damage
Alabama Street
Caller stated she heard a "big bang"/she cannot see if someone wrecked. Officer – grey SUV partially in roadway/need Fire/debris in roadway.

Weapons fired
1313 E. 32nd Street
Caller from GRMC Security – male was brought in by friend/has a gunshot wound/Need GCSO to make a report/father is bringing weapon to the hospital/caller doesn't have name of male being treated. Weapon clear in NCIC.

Welfare check
1332 N. Hudson Street
Caller is in the back of Daylight Donuts and can hear a female and child inside/can hear the female yelling at the child/believes the female is hitting the wall. Officer spoke to mother/the child was acting out/everything is okay.

Welfare check
W. Hester Street
Peer reported the student DAO/friend joked about cutting herself. Caller is a crisis line reporting this third party info. Officer made contact and female stated she did not say she wanted to cut herself.

Domestic disturbance
N. Cinc
A named male and a named female arguing/male won't let her go/verbal only/he made threats of physical harm.

Welfare check
N. Corbin Street
Neighbor dog bit another male and he is still on the ground/dog no longer there/male doesn't want LE or medical/he states he will deal with it tomorrow.

N. Swan Street and Mann Drive
Rear-ended/everyone in caller's vehicle are okay/caller stating the vehicle which rear-ended them was rear-ended by another vehicle/caller requests medical/18-year-old with chest pain/15-year-old female possible concussion/ran three plates.

Welfare check
N. Cooper Street
Five vehicles/unknown amount of people/roommate girlfriend is having girl drama/caller wants them all gone/caller is not on scene/she is at work. Officer – no one at the residence.

Domestic disturbance
1040 E. Highway 180
Male and female arguing in the parking lot/looked like the male was going to choke the female/does not know who they are. Officer – requesting if county can help out.

Welfare check
Bremen Street
Female caller advised she can smell smoke/unknown where it is coming from. Officer – Hudson and Broadway/cannot see or smell smoke/will ATL the area/negative on smoke or flames.

Welfare check
3514 Fowler Avenue – 9:16 p.m.
Caller in Idaho received a call from a patient at the SC Care Center. Officer made contact with staff and patient/everything is okay.

Welfare check
3514 Fowler Avenue – 11:19 p.m.
Patient called stating a male is trying to kill her. Spoke to a named female and she stated patient has dementia and is okay.

Wednesday, Oct. 2

Welfare check
E. 20th and Yucca streets
Mother called caller stating she was in a house she was not supposed to be in and a male broke in/mother ran down the street and called caller from someone else's phone. Caller was out looking for his mother and could not find her/caller wants a patrol around the area. Officer out at location/negative contact/going to check another location.

2642 E. Highway 180
Caller from NAPA advised a male just stole fittings/left in a red truck westbound. Officer – Chevy with tinted windows.

Georgia Street
Caller advised a broker hired a moving company to move her things and now she can't reach the drivers nor the company for payment or her things/she can't reach the broker as well.

Welfare check
N. Hudson Street and E. Broadway
Male lying on the sidewalk. Officer out with male/he refused medical.

Welfare check
2045 E. Highway 180
A named female is yelling and cursing/she is now inside the store. Officer had contact with female/she said she is okay.

E. Pinos Altos Street
24-year-old sister is being violent and throwing things toward his mother/sister has a history of mental health, depression, and dissociative identity disorder. Officer had contact with family/advised everything is okay.

Welfare check
N. Combs Street
Caller from Harrison Schmitt advised an 8-year-old student disclosed a man went to their home and beat up mom. Child did tell caller police were at the house last night. Officers out at a Cielo Azul address and location/everything is okay/will call caller back.

Domestic disturbance
2005 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a female is refusing to get into a car and a male is trying to make her. GCSO deputy had negative contact.

2501 E. Highway 180
Stated a named female is following her around in Walmart/female stated she was going to wait for caller outside/she smelled like alcohol. Caller stated it is her daughter/wants to speak with an officer.

Suicide threat
Hill Street
No report.

Thursday, Oct.3

Welfare check
Louisiana Street
21-year-old male/no history of seizures/caller advised he went to check on him and he is no longer there/he would mostly be walking down Pope Street. Officer had contact with one female citizen.

Jose Barrios School
No report.

Criminal trespass warning
N. Swan Street
A named male needs to be issued a CTW. Officer – put out ATL for Louis Hernandez to issue CTW.

Unattended death
N. Swan Street
Caller advised she used the key he had given her and she found the male deceased/she does not want to attempt CPR/he is grey and cold/he had not been sick or anything. Officer – get OMI en route/OMI ETA 40 minutes.

Welfare check
205 W. Broadway
Male sitting on the stairs doesn't look well. Officer out with the named male/everything is okay.

Welfare check
N. Silver Street
3-year-old male walked out near the street/caller advised no adults around/a black dog was with him but cannot find the dog/he looks fine but is crying for mom/just scared. Officer made contact with civilian who stated the little boy was . . .

Criminal trespass warning
Pinos Altos Road
Advised she has someone trespassing on her property and he lives in the shed/he is in a beige colored truck parked backwards on the property. Subject told caller he worked for Wagon Wheel but Wagon Wheel says he doesn't. Officer had negative contact.

2005 E. Highway 180
Caller says a named female has been harassing her at work/they have court tomorrow for her windshield being busted out last week. Officer called back and spoke with caller.

Welfare check
Virginia Street
Caller was told to call if she sees a named male leave his residence/he has a warrant for his arrest/he failed to show up for court today/caller says he left in a dark Dodge Ram pickup. Caller called back advising the male has returned and is throwing rocks at her residence. Officer had negative contact.