Monday, Sept. 9

Welfare check
N. Gold Street
Male lying on the pavement/possibly in his 60s/small cut on forehead.

Welfare check
301 N. Bullard Street
A named male is lying on the sidewalk.

Unwanted subject
505 N. Hudson Street
Male is sitting out on the steps. Officer – indefinite trespass to Ernest Lopez for SWAG store.

3018 32nd Street Bypass – CYFD
A female juvie is yelling in one of the worker's faces/stated she threw a glove and fruit cup at the worker. Can hear the juvie in the background arguing with caller. Officer – one in investigative detention/needs another unit.

1956 E. Highway 180
Male walked out with an unknown amount of meat/male is heavy-set/got into an older maroon Chevy van/does have video footage/vehicle left west on 180.

Tuesday, Sept. 10

Welfare check
Caller from Sierra County – a named male was in the hospital there but left even though he was advised not to/his family is worried and hasn't been able to speak with him. Officer spoke with caller.

Welfare check
100 N. Rosedale Road
Male possibly intoxicated is parking in the handicapped parking spot/three gentlemen had to put him back into his truck. Officer advised vehicle left prior to arrival.

Gough Park
Female in red shirt stated another female assaulted her. Officer advised parties have separated/everything clear.

2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Two named females were at Don Fidencio's wanting caller and her female friend to get out of the car so they could fight. Officer out with caller and ran two females.

Welfare check
614 N. Bullard Street
Older female walking behind the restaurant and she is intoxicated. Officer out of unit/had contact with female and male/both were asked to leave.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
Pinos Altos Road
Caller advised someone was on her property and scratched her vehicle/male with a Mohawk/he cut through her property to go to the mobile home park.

Cactus Street
Advised her 25-year-old son is arguing with her and refusing to give her the keys to her vehicle/stated the argument started over her boyfriend/nothing physical.

Welfare check
1313 E. 32nd Street
Advised his mother walked out AMA, possibly walking to her residence on Alabama Street. Mother called advising she is home/she got a ride from a friend/she is okay.

Stolen motor vehicle
N. Bayard Street
Advised her granddaughter took her green Subaru Forester about 45 minutes ago/she found the keys and took it without permission. Officer advised one in investigative detention at this time.

Game and Fish
N. Swan and 16th streets
In the roadway/is still alive. Officer – one shot fired/advised one more shot fired/deer is dead.

Welfare check
2633 E. Highway 180
Elderly female in a black car/she appears to be disoriented/parked in the pull-off. Officer checked DL.

Welfare check
N. Swan and 37th streets
Caller calling from Tracy Circle/can smell smoke/believes they are burning trash.

Wednesday, Sept. 11

Blackhawk Place
Caller advised her neighbor broke into her home last night. They used the garage door opener to get in and unscrewed a lock/the only thing they have noticed missing is the last will and testament.

Criminal trespass warning
Pinos Altos Road
Caller advised a male keeps coming on her property and cussing at her and telling her he can be there any time he wants/male is still there and caller wants him issued a CTW, if possible. Officer – active warrant for Michael Hernandez out of Mag 1 for failure to appear.

Game and Fish
E. College Avenue and N. Swan Street
Vacant lot/city owned/dead deer. Gila Skunk Removal not available the 11th-17th.

S. Arizona Street
Caller advised her solar lights have been stolen. Officer made contact with caller.

Unwanted subject
1220 N. Hudson Street
Caller advised a female is panhandling outside then she tried touching her/wants her issued an indefinite CTW/she is now inside Taste of Vegas.

32nd Street Bypass and Camino del Bosque
Caller has an employee who is being harassed and followed. Officer requested GCSO unit as partially happened in the county.

Made contact with a named male who advised the officer he received a message on his computer with a phone number to call/caller stated he called the number and spoke to a Jennifer Fisher regarding a transaction for the amount of $28,000 pulled from his bank account/he was then transferred to a Keven Watson with the telephone number of 1-650-360-4689. Caller stated Keven asked him to pull out another $28,000 in cash to get his previous $28,000 back. Caller stated that's when he knew it was a scam. Caller stated he checked with his bank and advise . . .

Unwanted subject
123 W. 12th Street
Caller advised a named female is outside refusing to leave/there were four males with this female/caller wants CTWs issued. Officer – negative contact in area/they will call back if they return.

Mental health complaint
209 W. Highway 180
Caller from Inspire Psychiatry Services – suicidal 12-year-old/not aggressive but nervous. EMS2 called requesting an officer to the ER if possible/physical and mental abuse.

N. Hudson  and E. 13th St.
White SUV and brown 4dr sedan/off the roadway. One male with heart problems trouble breathing. Officer – female is complaining of back problems/another female is not answering questions/third patient with neck and head pain. EMS2 – check Native status.

Domestic disturbance
N. Juniper Street
Boyfriend is yelling at her and she wants him to leave/she thinks he is drunk/he just went inside/she is in her car/kids are in the house with him. Officer – boyfriend went to the back alley with the three children/unknown direction.

2501 E. Highway 180 – 5:20 p.m.
Caller from Asset Protection advised a named female shoplifted at least $20 worth of merchandise/he has her in the office now/they only have30 minutes to hold her starting at 5:30 p.m. Officers advised Marcella Perry issued an indefinite CTW and released on a CTA.

2501 E. Highway 180
Male running toward O'Reilly's. Officers out with a person by O'Reilly's/another officer has their subject detained/Bryiza Rodriguez released on a CTA.

Game and Fish
E. Highway 180 @ Wendy's
Injured deer in westbound lane. Officer had negative contact.

Thursday, Sept. 12

Welfare check
610 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller advised a female is trying to stop cars/she is currently on the north side near the Snappy parking lot. Officer had contact near Silver Heights and Super Snappy/she wants to be seen due to her being stressed out/advised EMS possible mental patient.

Welfare check
1201 Pope Street
Older male messing with the gas meter/bald with tattoos. Officers out with a named male who left property.

Unwanted subject
306 N. Bullard Street
Caller from Grateful Living – male and female left south/caller had a previous issue with them/wants CTWs issued/they were aggressive when asked to leave. Officer went traffic with vehicle Juniper and 17th streets. Female called said she is being pulled over and wants police to know she was calling in as well.

800 S. Robert Street – El Refugio
Caller advised the last time they saw a named female client was last night at El Refugio. Officer – caller advised they will call back but for now set up frequent patrol for a white Mercury Marquis/if contact made, stop and issue Micaela Cabrera an indefinite CTW for El Refugio.

505 W. College Avenue
Incident discovered on Monday/employee let go on Tuesday.

W. 19th Street
Caller advised someone stole her house key from her front outdoor table/she thinks she knows who took it/a purse from inside her home was also taken/must have occurred this morning.

E. 19th and Yucca streets
Two men and one female watching. Officer – ambulance en route for 27-year-old male with swelling and blood on forehead/one in investigative detention/

Welfare check
2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments
Caller from GRMC Cancer Center advised a female with one leg has been falling a lot/she has fallen six times today/she also has back pain. GCSO deputy – negative contact/units clear. Second caller from Western Regional Housing Authority has key and wants LE to open door to see if the female is okay.

Domestic disturbance
1414 Little Walnut Road – Silver Cliff Apartments
A named female and a named male are fighting/he is under the influence of narcotics. Caller called back advising she heard the male say he was going to kill the female's baby and saw him strike her. GCSO deputy en route to SCPD to assist officer.

Unwanted subject
604 W. Spring Street
Male was walking on the property and now asleep on the front porch/wants someone to tell him to leave. GCSO deputy out with the male who has warrant out of Mag 2.

Valley Vista
Caller advising her boyfriend is telling her he is going to send a girl to fight her. GCSO deputy ran a male and a female.

Silver Heights Blvd. and N. Swan Street
Two cars in the roadway/everyone out of the vehicle. Officer requested ambulance for 25-year-old male bleeding from scratches on left leg/airbag deployment. Officer – owner requests wrecker/front end damage.

Domestic disturbance
W. 12th and Grant streets
Caller advised her daughter hit her with a bottle then got out of the vehicle with her 2-year-old daughter and took off walking. Caller stated she was dizzy but refused medical. Officer – negative contact/en route to follow-up with caller.

Vehicle burglary
1502 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller advising she believes her friend's keys were taken by someone.

Mental health complaint
3420 E. Highway 180
Caller stated he is in front of the hotel/he wanted to kill himself with a gun but he no longer has the gun because his friend took it/is saying he isn't going to kill himself but doesn't want to be alive.

Suspicious vehicle
N. Silver Street
Extended cab truck lingering around elderly and vacant houses. Officer – out at Lamb and Silver/following vehicle to a W. 6th Street address.