Silver City -- The documentary, "Solace, Wisdom of the Dying," will be screened at the March 24 meeting of the "Death Cafe," a free, monthly meeting designed to spark dialogue and conversation about all things death-related, while also offering resources and assistance to help people prepare for their ultimate demise.

Solace was directed by hospice nurse Camille Adair, RN, and filmed in Northern New Mexico. The film grew out of her intimate experiences working with people facing death. Silver City resident, Diego Rose, was featured in the film, and will be present at the cafe to share his experience in the making of the film, as well as his perspectives on facing death.

The meeting is facilitated by Lisa Jimenez, certified death doula and owner of A Good Death, LLC, a local business dedicated to helping people prepare for their own good death.

"I was blown away by the depth and breadth of this film, and the profound wisdom shared by Adair's hospice patients as they prepared to die," she said. "It completely reinforces a key truth - that death and dying is a sacred, natural, human process, not a medical event. This film takes a deep dive into the richness of death and everything it has to teach us, not only about death, but most importantly, about truly being alive."

Following the film, Jimenez will facilitate a discussion of key themes and ideas presented through this documentary, which also features the perspectives of physicians, clergy and other end-of-life service providers. The 90-minute Death Cafe meets at 4:00 pm at the Silver City Public Library. For more information, please contact Lisa Jimenez at (575) 574-5473.