The Gila Community Foundation (formerly Grant County Community Foundation) is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals for two grant sources. The application due date is March 31, 2025.

The first is from the Luna County Ranchettes and is intended to improve the quality of life for residents of Luna County. The total award is $10,000 which can be granted to multiple recipients. The Ranchettes have a long history of service to Luna County starting as a homeowners assistance organization to assist those taken in by a land scam. They have been very active in pursuing unity among residents and assisting with ground water, road access and other issues faced by land owners.

The purpose of the grants are to educate citizens on issues, provide services arrising out of land ownership, assist persons and families moving to rural Luna County, and promote quality of life. This could include public education on ground water, solar/wind energy or open space, enviromentally sustainable development or programs that will improve the quality of life

The second is from the Life Quest fund which focuses on mental health/developmental disabilities. The total award is $5,000 and can be awarded to multiple applicants.

Life Quest was started by Luis and Ramona Morales as a response to their daughter Mary Lou's diagnosis of cerebal palsy. At the time those with developmental disabilities were more often than not institutionalized. This did not set well with the Morales and started them on a journey to see that Grant county would have services for both children and adults. Life Quest was the result of that journey. Mary Lou passed away in 1987 but the Morales's continued to work and promote Life Quest and the service it provided to individuals and families.

Life Quest had to cease its opporation when a state contract for its services was given to another organization. Because of that the Gila Community Foundation was entrusted with keeping Luis and Ramona's dream alive in promoting services for those with mental illnesses and developmental challenges. It is an honor to be entrusted with the stewardship of these funds.

The purpose is to promote and fund services within our service area which provide services to those with mental illness or develepmental challenges. These can be educational, recreational or beneficial to those clentele.

It is open to programs and agencies in the Gila Community Foundation's service area which is Catron, Grant, Hidalgo and Luna counties.

Applicants must have 501(c)3 designation and be in good standing with New Mexico requirements.

Application forms are available on the Gila Community Foundations website ( ). Additional information can be gotten by calling the office at 575 956-6095.

The grants will be issued mid April after review and vetting by staff and volunteers from the community.