Bayard Police Department
Friday, Apr. 19
Unwanted subject
Budge Street
A named female asking for the key to the trailer became irate and said she was on her way/caller doesn't want her there without LE. Officer en route to 500 East Street to pick up a set of keys to return to the owner/keys returned to owner.
North Street
Two adult males about to fight/one has his mom with him/one left the area.
Welfare check
Watson Street
A named male just called and said send the police. He is about to "go at them," because they keep "it" up. Officer advised spoke to male/advising he is okay.
Welfare check
Vencill Street
Officer advised he is not at this location/he is possibly at the Gateway Apartments with his mother. Deputy out at Gateway Motel and Restaurant/negative contact.
Saturday, Apr. 20
Unwanted subject
Empire Street
Caller advised she wants her grandson and his girlfriend to leave/wants an officer to give him three days to get out. Officer advised male left prior to arrival.
Sunday, Apr. 21
Vehicle burglary
Empire Street
Advised someone broke into her vehicle last night and took her wallet and EBT card. Officer advised caller was able to find her wallet.
Hurley Police Department
Sunday, Apr. 21
Welfare check
Cottonwood Street – North Hurley
Advised a female is sitting in a white Crown Victoria/she is just in a bra and honking her horn/possibly intoxicated. Deputy advised the female is highly intoxicated but okay. Second caller advised the female is back out in front of the address honking her horn again.
Santa Clara Police Department
Friday, Apr. 19
Unwanted subject
510 N. Prescott Street
Brother and sister got into an argument/caller is sister/they want him to leave/he is outside in a grey Neon making noise.
Welfare check
E. Morrow and S. Bellm streets
A male and a female have been yelling at their children for hours now/they moved in about a month ago.
Sunday, Apr. 21
11988 Highway 180 – 8:18 p.m.
Caller advised at about 6:30 p.m. a female shoplifted/doesn't know who she is/she has stolen from here before.
Welfare check
1001 Prescott Street
Can hear fighting and a female. Caller called back advising they left in two different vehicles. Officer had negative contact with anyone at the apartment.