Bayard Police Department

Friday, May 17

Domestic disturbance
Runnels Drive
It was physical and male left in a gray Toyota. Deputy had negative contact with parties/spoke to caller who advised everything was verbal.

Welfare check
Bayard Library
Officer advised issued CTW to a named female at this location/she is leaving the premises/officer will be giving female a ride to magistrate court in Bayard.

Domestic disturbance
N. Railroad Street
Can hear male and female fighting and a baby/child is crying, baby is crying, male is yelling, female is screaming. Officer advised one male in investigative detention/male released from ID/female will be staying with her aunt in Silver City.

Criminal trespass warning
Runnels Drive
A named male is outside in his blue and white Chevy truck threatening to shoot her/would like him issued a CTW. XCPD and BPD officers going to be on foot/set up frequent patrol for one month.

Saturday, May 18

Dog bite
Hurley Street
Caller does not want medical. Officer enroute to station to get catch pole/enroute to station with dog/negative contact with owner.

Unwanted subject
N. Franey Street
Caller advised her ex-partner is here and will not leave/caller wants a CTW issued. XCPD officer issued the male an indefinite CTW/he left upon request.

Sunday, May 19
S. Yucca Street
Advised his roommate tried to kill his dog with a chainsaw. Request an ambulance for an unknown age male who is having trouble breathing/EMS2 has signed refusal. Officer has one in investigative detention/issued indefinite CTW/taser deployed.

Hurley Police Department

Friday, May 17

Welfare check
Aztec Avenue
Can hear neighbor's dogs howling and crying at this address and it doesn't seem right. Deputy had negative contact at the residence/clear.

Saturday, May 18

Criminal trespass warning
Nevada Avenue
(Redacted) issued CTW.

Sunday, May 19

Welfare check
Stated he believes the neighbor is burning something/he can see flames/homeowner is with the fire/he is putting items in the fire. XCPD officer made contact/fire was put out/everything is okay.

Santa Clara Police Department

Friday, May 17

1001 Prescott Street
A named male keeps going and causing issues/he is going and yelling at caller. Officer spoke to male who stated he is going to relax for the night.