Bayard Police Department

Monday, July 1

Orchard Street
Called into the PD.

Domestic disturbance
Virginia Street
Caller advised daughter started a fight with other daughters and is now on her way to caller's house to cause problems. Officer advised daughter has not shown up yet but caller will call if she does.

Welfare check
Bard Street
Caller says her mom, who has dementia, left the house/caller called back advising her mom is back at the house. Officer advised mom is okay/they will give her her meds and will call if there are any issues.

Tuesday, July 2

Diamond Street
Her male ex has been passing by her house/she has been dealing with this for the past month/caller says she has a CTW for her address.

Unwanted subject
Runnels Drive
Is there to drop off his girlfriend and she is refusing to get out of the vehicle.

Wednesday, July 3

Welfare check
Unknown Drive
Caller advised family spoke yesterday to a named female who is mentally disabled. The Housing Authority called and she is not answering her door and the dogs are barking. Officer made contact.

Thursday, July 4

Accident-property damage
Highway 180 and Oak Street
MVA/send GCSO.

Hurley Police Department

Monday, July 1

Nevada Avenue
The tenant was confronted about damage and drug use in the home and is now harassing the landlords. SCPD officer and other officer made contact.

Unwanted subject
North Hurley Road
Caller wants a named male removed from the property. Officer and deputy advised parties separated and agreed to be civil.

Welfare check
C Street
Neighbor's door has been open the past couple of days/unknown if anyone is there/homeowner passed away a few weeks ago but grandson used to live with her. Deputy on scene.

Tuesday, July 2

Unwanted subject
Aztec Avenue
Male sitting in a white truck in the alley/says he was looking for his son who is not there/she asked him to leave and he refused. Deputy had contact with vehicle/driver stated he never refused to leave/his battery is dead/helped the male and he left the area.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
Arizona Avenue
Caller advised someone damaged her vehicle and her house.

Wednesday, July 3

Domestic disturbance
Aztec Avenue
Caller advised he was lying in bed and his girlfriend was screaming obscenities at him trying to provoke him/needs someone to respond before it escalates. Deputy advised female left prior to arrival/everything is okay. Caller called back advising the female is back, is intoxicated. pulled the TV off the wall, and is causing issues. Deputy advised giving female a ride to address.

Thursday, July 4

Stolen motor vehicle
A Street
Advised her 2014 grey Chevy Traverse was taken by (redacted) sometime this morning. HPD and XCPD officers en route to Prescott Street Apartments/request wrecker/following vehicle to XCPD.

Santa Clara Police Department

Monday, July 1

Criminal damage to property
Bellm Street
A named male just threw something through the windows of her house/he is walking north toward Church Street.

Tuesday, July 2

Weapons fired
N. James and W. Lincoln streets
Caller advised he heard a couple of shots. Officer advised ATL in area/a lot of fireworks.

Oak Street
Bicycle stolen and she knows where it is. Officer going to get further info first.

Wednesday, July 3

Criminal trespass warning
Alamo Street – Arenas Valley
Caller advised a named male is trespassing on her property/she can see him moving the camera. Officer advised negative contact with male/will do extra patrol/everything is okay.

N. Prescott
Walk-in, Officer en route to (redacted address) reference stolen bike/surrendered and clear/was able to recover the bike/bike was returned to owner.

Welfare check
Highway 180
Elderly female stating she lost her phone and seems to be lost/caller does not feel comfortable giving the female a ride. Officer giving female a ride.

Thursday, July 4

Alamo Street
Caller yelling at a female telling her she needs to get out and disconnected. Called back stating he just needs "them out." Officer advised caller left/spoke to female, who stated everything was verbal.