MarthaDelRio MartinezJanuary 12, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "Climate Change Lobby Update"

Martha Martinez Del Rio will describe her volunteer work with Citizen Climate Lobby (CCL) and explain what the organization does to create political will for climate solutions. Their mission is to enable individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power to create a livable world, and to address climate change.

The organization focuses on empowering individuals to respectfully reach out to local officials, friends and neighbors, to inform and build partnerships in support of climate change solutions and promote a transition to a renewable energy economy. CCL advocates for effective climate legislation, including a "carbon fee and dividend" approach to pricing carbon pollution from fossil fuels.

Since its founding in 2007, CCL has exponentially grown its nationwide coalition to a remarkable 200,000+ registered supporters. Volunteers are organized into 432 active chapters that cover 90 percent of all U.S. congressional districts. Each chapter is run by a Group Leader and supported by State Coordinators and Regional Coordinators. Chapters work closely with their corresponding Congressional Liaison, who is a designated CCL volunteer leader that maintains the ongoing relationship between a specific member of Congress and local CCL chapters within that member's district or state. At each level of its organizational model, CCL staff provides robust coordination, systems, training, and support to ensure volunteers are successful in their advocacy work.

Martha Martinez Del Rio brings her love and passion for the Earth to her volunteer work with Citizen Climate Lobby. She is an experienced lobbyist, outdoorswoman, mother, and medical professional. She works to educate and inform legislators on both sides of the aisle to decrease carbon emissions, promote alternatives to fossil fuel extraction and use, and to inspire others to be involved in effective action, so that we may preserve a healthy planet. She has been a climate activist for 20 years and a volunteer with CCL for eight years.

Childcare is available every Sunday. Zoey Cronin will lead a formal children's program on second and fourth Sundays. This Sunday will be a Children's RE program.

Children are welcome to participate on any Sunday, but they will get the most out of the program if they attend second and fourth Sundays somewhat regularly. Family adults may stay for the children's program or attend the adult program. Children are encouraged to bring a small item that represents someone or something they are grateful for that week.

UUFSC Safety Protocol as pursuant to our most recent UUA Guidelines:

Masks are now optional, but their use is encouraged. We will continue to serve refreshments on the patio and in the building. Visitors are always welcome.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City is a diverse group of religious independents seeking knowledge, spiritual sustenance, fellowship and opportunities for service to others. Our programs encompass Humanism, liberal Christianity, earth-based spirituality, Buddhism and many other traditions. If you'd like to find out more, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  visit our website at or visit us on Facebook at Unitarian-Universalist-Fellowship-of-Silver-City.