JeffGoinSeptember 22, at 10 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "The Enlightening Power of Nature"

Jeff Goin of the Lotus Center said, "How fortunate we are to have the Gila Wilderness as our backyard!

"Most of us are familiar with the therapeutic effects of spending time in the natural world of southwest New Mexico. Bathing our five senses in old-growth forests, quiet, solitude, and sharing space with flora and fauna gives rise to a profound sense of peace, tranquility, and healing. It seems -- in a visceral way -- that a cause-and-effect event is occurring: that exposing ourselves to the trees, rivers, and critters is making us feel peaceful.

"While this causal relationship is definitely a thing, it's not all that's going on; communing with nature affirms a deep, fundamental connection between our human existence and nature . . . a connection that can not only heal us, but lead to our complete awakening."

Join Lotus Center director Jeff Goin and explore the path of awakening via our connection with the natural world.

Goin has been teaching and leading meditation classes in Silver City, on a volunteer basis, since 2008. His classes provide practical ideas and methods for improving relationships, overcoming anger, dealing with stress and, in general, establishing and maintaining a peaceful state of mind.

Goin is the founder and director of Lotus Center. He is also a co-founder of Single Socks, a non-profit thrift store in Silver City that donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to anti-hunger programs in southwest New Mexico. He is a practicing Mahayana Buddhist since 1999.

There are speakers on the patio if you wish to enjoy the service outside.

Childcare is available every Sunday. Zoey Cronin will lead a formal children's program on second and fourth Sundays. This Sunday is a Children's RE Sunday.

Children are welcome to participate on any Sunday, but they will get the most out of the program if they attend second and fourth Sundays somewhat regularly. Family adults may stay for the children's program or attend the adult program. Children are encouraged to bring a small item that represents someone or something they are grateful for that week.

Please join us before the service for a drum circle commemorating one of the four solar festivals of the year. We'll be meeting on the Fellowship patio at 9:30 am for a Fall Equinox celebration. All are welcome. Bring your drums, rattles, bells, and other percussion instruments. Or else you can use your chanting voice and your dancing moves. No formal program - just let nature take its course! Celebrate the balance of dark and light.

UUFSC Safety Protocol as pursuant to our most recent UUA Guidelines:

Masks are now optional, but their use is encouraged. We will continue to serve refreshments on the patio and in the building. Visitors are always welcome.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City is a diverse group of religious independents seeking knowledge, spiritual sustenance, fellowship, and opportunities for service to others. Our programs encompass humanism, liberal Christianity, earth-based spirituality, Buddhism and many other traditions. If you'd like to find out more, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit our website at  or visit us on Facebook at Unitarian-Universalist-Fellowship-of-Silver-City.