Westerners International Silver City Corral #36
Invites You to Our Upcoming Meeting
CrossPoint Church Meeting Room
11600 E Hwy 180, Milepost 116

FritzDr. Scott Fritz- Photo courtesy of Deming Headlight
"The Marketplace as the Great Stage of History: Business and Society in Silver City, New Mexico 1900-1952"

Speaker: Dr. Scott Fritz
Professor of History at WNMU
Teaches "History of NM", "History of SW
Indians" and "The West in American
Currently researches the History of Small Business in Southwestern New Mexico

CrossPoint Church Meeting Room
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Catered Dinner:

$15.00 members
$18.00 non-members
$ 5.00 presentation only

Confirm with Jody Hall at (575) 342-2621 (jody_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) on or before Sunday, December 8, 2024 to insure that enough food is prepared. If you haven't paid your dues, please get them to Mary Soule' at the meeting, or mail to 1113 W. 8th St, Silver City, NM 88061. We hope to see you on the 10th.