Whitewater Creek habitat restoration project to begin this month
Instream work near Glenwood, New Mexico will limit public access during construction

GLENWOOD, NM, Feb. 11, 2025 – The Gila National Forest, Glenwood Ranger District has partnered with New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to implement a fish habitat restoration project along a 0.25-mile stretch of Whitewater Creek, beginning as early as February 20, 2025, continuing through the end of March. The Catwalk Recreation Area and Catwalk National Recreation Trail will remain open during project activities, but there will be no public access to the stream for fishing or other recreation within the marked construction zone.

"The focus of this project is to modify the stream channel along this stretch of Whitewater Creek to create more pools and a deeper, narrower channel, which will increase shelter habitat and promote bank stability," said Glenwood Deputy District Ranger Tony Ybarra. "Planted native riparian vegetation will shade the stream as it grows, helping to maintain the cooler water temperatures needed for healthy fish."

Construction will occur within the creek channel from the last low water crossing, just before the Catwalk recreation area parking lot, to the first pedestrian bridge along the Catwalk trail. The construction area will be taped/blocked with "No Entry" signs. Construction equipment will be staged to the south of the Catwalk parking lot and will utilize the stream corridor to reduce interaction with vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot. For more information contact Maribeth Pecotte at 575-388-8211 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..