With spatial computing revolutionizing our interaction with technology, New Mexico State University’s Global Campus is introducing two innovative microlearning courses that leverage the excitement surrounding the debut of the Apple Vision Pro.

The courses, spatial computing and Designing the Future: Instructional Design in the Metaverse, use Apple's latest spatial computing device, which promises to transform the way we work, learn and play. The device debuts today.

“Spatial computing is not just about understanding technology; it's about crafting stories that resonate in a virtual space,” said Cortney Harding, who teaches the spatial computing course. “Our course is designed to empower students to create experiences that are not just seen or heard, but deeply felt. This is where storytelling meets innovation, and I'm excited to guide our learners through this incredible journey.”

The Apple Vision Pro represents a significant leap in wearable technology. With its high-resolution display, eye-tracking system and visionOS, the device promises an immersive spatial computing experience. This breakthrough in technology aligns with the objectives of NMSU Global’s microlearning courses.

Spatial Computing is a $500 course where attendees will learn the fundamentals of storytelling in virtual reality, from scripting to creating emotional impact and designing interactive VR experiences.

Designing the Future: Instructional Design in the Metaverse, is taught by Andrew Sedillo, director of microcredentials instructional design for NMSU Global. The course offers an introductory rate of $150 for the first 100 learners using the code VRPIONEER. This course will examine the practical application of VR in instructional design, allowing participants to craft immersive e-learning environments and develop a professional portfolio.

“We are inspiring a new wave of educators to build immersive learning environments in the metaverse. This course is about harnessing the potential of VR to revolutionize how we teach and learn,” Sedillo said.

These courses are about more than learning new skills; they're about shaping the future. As Apple Vision Pro brings new dimensions to personal computing, the courses equip learners to be at the forefront of this technological revolution.

For more information, visit https://global.nmsu.edu/microlearning /.

NMSU Global Campus is the online campus of NMSU, offering a wide range of high-quality online degree programs and microlearning courses designed to meet the needs of working professionals and lifelong learners. With a commitment to excellence in education and a focus on innovation, NMSU Global Campus empowers students to achieve their academic and career goals in a flexible and accessible learning environment.

The full article can be seen at https://newsroom.nmsu.edu/news/nmsu-global-unveils-apple-vision-pro-microlearning-courses/s/1d320c09-9c34-48ce-9686-2bd9c50c01ce?CP=1

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