Wildfire Notification #6

The New Mexico Forestry Division would like to update you on two wildfires that are requiring the attention of federal, state, and local resources in New Mexico.

 The Blue 2 and Indios fires are burning on public lands and are being managed by the US Forest Service. Resources are currently responding to these incidents and are adding additional crews to be prepared for hot temperatures and high winds in both locations over the weekend. 

Keeping in mind this high potential for wildfire through Memorial Day, the Forestry Division would like to remind everyone to be safe and aware of their surroundings this holiday weekend.

Know before you go: When heading into the great outdoors, be sure to check the weather, and be sure to check and what restrictions are in place wherever you’re choosing to go. A list of New Mexico State Parks fire restrictions can be found here.

Once you’re there: Be smart and be safe. Human-caused fires are the result of making bad decisions. Smoking, parking cars over tall grass, loose tow chains, and working outside with equipment: these are some of the biggest human causes of fire starts in New Mexico. In short -- be aware of your surroundings. Understand that the actions you take have consequences. Use good judgement.

Blue 2 Fire

Yesterday's Red Flag conditions created increased smoke and fire activity from the Blue 2 Fire that is currently burning in the White Mountain Wilderness area. The fire size is currently estimated at 1,478 acres, but a heavy smoke layer makes an accurate estimate difficult. Crews remained on the fire throughout the night last night. The fire continues to burn dead and down trees and standing dead trees (snags) that were left after the Little Bear fire in 2012.

Today's operations will consist of air and ground operations. Expect to see aircraft as weather permits. Ground Operations are shifting to operating day & night. A Complex Incident Management Team was ordered last night at midnight and is currently en route.

As was dictated last night by fire behavior, Lincoln County activated an Emergency Contact Center: (575) 336-8600 and there is currently an emergency shelter, and animal emergency shelter in place. Lincoln County Fire Service advises citizens to sign up for CodeRed even if you are not impacted by this fire, it is an important resource for local residents.

Current Evacuations issued by the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office are under effect for Bonito Lake Rd, Forest Service Road 108, and Forest Service Road 107. At this time, the Angus Area, Villa Madonna, Sierra Vista & Sun Valley subdivisions on the west side of Hwy48 should also be ready for evacuations. Operations Emergency Services has established an evacuation reception center at the Capitan Fairgrounds. 

Please keep 911 open and available for emergencies.

There will be a public meeting Friday (May 24, 2024) evening at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Eastern New Mexico University-Ruidoso Branch Community College 709 Mechem Drive, Ruidoso NM.

Blue 2 Fire Start Date /Time: May 17, 2024, approximately 3:45 p.m.

Cause: Lightning

Size: Blue 2 Fire: Estimated 1,478 acres

Location: White Mountain Wilderness

Resources: 88 Personnel, more EnRoute

Vegetation/Fuels: Dead and dead/down trees

Containment: 0%

Tactic: Full Suppression

Smoke: Moderate / Wind Influenced Smoke

Evacuation: Go Now: Bonito Lake Road, Forest Service Road 108, Forest Service Road 107

                  Be Set: Villa Madonna Subdivision, Sierra Vista Subdivision, Sun Valley Subdivision

                  Be Ready: Angus Area

Shelters: Lincoln County Fairgrounds / 101 5th St. Capitan NM 88316

Animal Shelters: Humane Society of Lincoln County 25962 US Hwy 70 Ruidoso NM 88345

Area Closures: Part of White Mountain Wilderness Area, See link for more information: https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-publication/nmlnf-blue-2-fire/-closure-update-for-trails-on­ white-mountain-wilderness-area-05-22-2024

More Information:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/LincolnNationalForest NM Fire Info: www.NMFirelnfo.com

lnciWeb:  https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/nmlnf-blue-2-fire

Lincoln County CodeRed: bit.ly/4bwMk8n

 Indios Fire

The Indios Fire is a lightning caused wildfire located in the Coyote Ranger District, about 7 miles north of the village of Coyote, N.M within the Chama River Canyon Wilderness.

The Indios fire continues to burn within the Chama River Canyon Wilderness in steep, inaccessible terrain. On Thursday, with near critical fire weather conditions, the fire grew as expected but is still within the larger potential perimeter. The fire spotted into the 2017 Ojitos Fire area yesterday.

Today, two Interagency Hotshot crews and three engines will begin to work around this spot, anchoring into natural barriers and tying the line into the existing road systems. Fire managers continue to be strategic in their approach. While the helicopter was not used on the southern edge as initially planned, crews conducted some small but crucial strategic firing operations. These operations aimed to reduce fuels between FR 473 and the fire's edge on the southwest perimeter. More firing operations are likely to be used. This will help minimize fire effects by using low to moderate intensity firing and reducing vegetation between lines and the main fire.

Local engines continued to hold, secure, and patrol along FR 473 further north. Two masticators progressed in Gamble Oak on the fire's west side and got good depth on the lines in that area. The Mount Taylor and Black Mesa Interagency Hotshot Crews will begin work today, bringing the total number of IHCs to five.                                                  

Indios Fire Start Date: 5/19/2024

Location: 7 miles north of the village of Coyote, N.M.    

Acres: 1809      

Personnel: 133

Containment: 0%                                                          

Fuels: Timber, litter, understory

Resources: 5 crews | 1 helicopter | 5 engines| 1 road grader | 2 masticators | 1 water tender

Weather: Today, the high temperature will be around 72 degrees, and the minimum humidity will be 11-15 percent. Winds will be west 5-7 mph in the morning, increasing to 8-13 mph in the afternoon, with gusts to 25 mph. Wind trends will be stronger on Saturday, creating critical fire weather conditions despite the slight increase in humidity.

Smoke: Smoke is visible and local communities may experience smoke impacts along Highways 96, 112, and 84.

Closures: Visit Inciweb for the full order and map.

Temporary Flight Restrictions: There is a TFR in place around the fire area.

More Information: 575-323-2290 | 2024.indios@firenet.gov | x.com/SantafeNF | facebook.com/santafeNF


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