July 13, 2024 - Final Update by ABQ Zone Incident Management Team

Reported date / time: July 1, 2024 / 6:25 PM Cause: Lightning Strike Size: 8,043 acres.
Fuels: Oak and ponderosa pine litter. Strategy: Confine and contain Containment: 69%
Fire Behavior: Low Resources: 115 personnel

Location: Remote mountainous terrain of northwest San Mateo Mts. on the Magdalena Ranger District – New Mexico on the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands. 24 miles southwest of Magdalena, New Mexico.

UPDATE: The Fisher fire is currently 8,043 acres. Operations on Friday mirrored previous efforts to hold hand lines created in other shifts and to advance along the 549 Road. The plan to combat the area affected by previous erosion is still in effect and has been the center of operations. With growing containment percentage, the local Ranger District and the Team have agreed to shift incident command and management back to the Forest Service. This transition will occur Monday morning, with many team personnel demobilizing Sunday night. Remaining operations will consist of holding, hovering, and monitoring around the containment lines created, and to ensure containment of the remaining edges.
The Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) will remain in place until Sunday evening to ensure available skies in case there is a need for medical or operational air operations.

Message from ABQ Zone Incident Commander: On behalf of me, and my Albuquerque Zone Incident Management Team, we would like to send a sincere Thank You to all that have taken an interest in our coordinated operation with the Cibola National Forest Magdalena Ranger District. We have effectively implemented a strategy of mixed tactics to protect private property, recreation assets, infrastructure, natural & cultural resources, and other values at risk. We have made risk-informed decisions and prioritized firefighter safety above all else. Success is defined as safely achieving objectives with the least firefighter exposure necessary, while enhancing stakeholder support and adhering to the core values of Duty, Respect & Integrity, and we believe we have accomplished this on the Fisher Fire. -Lino Baca

Weather: Sunny, with a high near 90. Southwest wind 5 to 10 mph becoming southeast in the afternoon. Humidity 22%. Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 64. South wind 5 to 10 mph.

Safety: The health and safety of firefighters and the public are always the top priority. While fire activity continues to decrease, it is important that members of the public continue to avoid the Fisher Fire area on the Magdalena Ranger District.

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