Love to get out? Now is the time to make plans and check boxes in preparing for your next adventure.

Check out these upcoming events to get involved.

You can see all of the Department's upcoming events on our website.

New Mexico’s Hunter Education Program is in full swing 

The big game draw is open. Youth under 18 must have taken hunter education prior to applying for the draw. Classes fill up quickly prior to the draw, so don’t delay, sign up for hunter education today.

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To register for a hunter education class, click here and log into the student’s customer account.

The Department also offers online courses, including one in Spanish, for anyone 9 years of age and older. Click here to learn more. 

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Outdoor Adventures Show

Feb. 14-16 at Expo New Mexico

The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is pleased to invite you to the 2025 Outdoor Adventures Show, sponsored by Ram Motors RV & Truck CenterWaypoint Vehicle UpfittersDucks UnlimitedThe Archery Shoppe and the City of Albuquerque Economic Development Department!

The show takes place Friday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, Feb. 16, in the Manuel Lujan Building at Expo New Mexico in Albuquerque. Admission to the show will be $5 for adults or free to youth age 17 and younger, as well as anyone who holds a valid New Mexico hunting and fishing license. 

This year's show features many exciting events, including:


Learn more about the Outdoor Adventures Show here.

Now Open! 5-Stand Shotgun Shooting Opportunity in Albuquerque 

The Department is proud to partner with the Albuquerque Trap Club and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to construct a new 5-Stand range in Albuquerque. If you are unfamiliar with 5-Stand Shotgun Shooting, check out USA Clay Targetswebsite.

The new range is located just off of I-25 and Broadway Blvd. SE. Check out the Albuquerque Trap Club’s website for more details including cost, times the range is open and more!

Safety first! Helmets and goggles are available to youth

Are you kids tired of being inside and itching to hit the trails? The Department is offering several opportunities for your family to take an OHV safety class.

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In addition to a certification, any youth under age 18 who passes an in-person OHV class will be given a freehelmet and goggles to ensure they are safe before hitting the trails. 

OHV in-person classes are currently scheduled in Roswell and Los Lunas. There is also a Motorcycle class scheduled in Albuquerque. 

Enroll for a class by logging into or creating a customer account and clicking on Off-Highway Vehicle.

 For more information, contact the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish OHV program office at (505) 222-4712 or send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..