The New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute will host the 2024 Animas and San Juan Watersheds Conference, “Water Without Borders- Four Corners, Three Rivers,” June 12-13 at the San Juan College Henderson Fine Arts Center in Farmington, New Mexico, as well as online via Zoom.  

The annual conference, which NM WRRI has provided free-of-charge for the past three years, will allow members of local communities, researchers, students, public agencies and private companies to stay up-to-date on the latest water and natural resources science, management and monitoring projects within the Animas and San Juan River watersheds. Those wishing to learn more about the water resources of the Animas and San Juan River watersheds, including the general public, are encouraged to attend.

Across the day-and-a-half technical program, including a poster session June 12, presentations will range across a number of topics including restoration, water quality monitoring, abandoned mine lands, water recreation, water infrastructure, and local agriculture and food systems. NM WRRI anticipates 200 in-person and virtual attendees will participate.

Along with the technical program on June 12-13, conference registrants are welcome to sign up for free field trips before and after the conference June 11 and June 14. Field trip attendees will learn more about water management infrastructure on both the Animas and San Juan Rivers with visits to Animas-La Plata Project components in and around Durango, Colorado, followed by a trip to learn about the operations at Navajo Dam. Conference participants are invited to join a field trip June 14 to tour the water treatment plant installed below the outlet of the Gold King Mine after the August 2015 spill event to treat the metals-contaminated water still flowing from the mine. Transportation and lunch will be provided for both field trips. Attendees can sign up for these field trips when they register.

To register free of charge or view the full agenda, visit .

For questions, contact Mark Sheely at  or 575-646-1195.

This conference is made possible with the guidance and input of a planning committee consisting of local agencies, scientists and stakeholders throughout the watersheds. Support for this conference comes from the WIIN Act. This conference continues to support the activities outlined in the Gold King Mine Water Spill Long Term Monitoring Plan.

The full article can be seen at

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