The Scale Up New Mexico program, backed by the United States Economic Development Administration and housed at New Mexico State University's Arrowhead Center, is offering its C-Suite Sprint online accelerator specifically designed for tech startups in New Mexico.

The C-Suite Sprint is tailored for entrepreneurs and startups in New Mexico looking to strengthen their leadership teams. The program will run every Thursday from July 11 to Aug. 15. Entrepreneurs interested in participating should apply to this free accelerator by July 3 to reserve their place. Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance by July 5.

C-Suite Sprint is a vital part of Scale Up NM, a comprehensive suite of programs designed to accelerate the growth of early-stage startups. It complements the wide array of support services offered by Arrowhead Center, which includes business development, assistance with Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer applications and a range of commercialization support services. The initiative aims to improve leadership decision-making within startups by providing strategic support focused on the essential skills, strategies and capabilities needed for effective leadership in these organizations. It emphasizes the distinct roles of CEOs, COOs, CFOs and fractional executives.

“Programs like our C-Suite Program are crucial catalysts in the entrepreneurship ecosystem of New Mexico, providing the bedrock for nurturing leadership excellence in the startup landscape,” said Dana Catron, deputy director of Arrowhead Center. “By fostering a generation of well-rounded, visionary leaders, we are setting the stage for transformative growth and innovation in New Mexico's businesses, strengthening our economic foundations, and enhancing our competitive edge on the national and global stage.”

Over the six-week sprint, participants will engage in lively sessions aimed at delivering a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical elements of various leadership roles within a startup. The program includes engaging fireside chats, breakout rooms and opportunities for real-time feedback, allowing participants to develop, assess and enhance their strategies. Additionally, the sprint will cover topics related to advisers and board governance.

“Our C-Suite Program is meticulously designed to equip startup leaders with not only the essential skills and strategies required for success but also an in-depth understanding of the complex interplay between executive roles and corporate governance,” Carlos Murguia, program manager for Scale Up NM, said. “This program is about transforming promising executives into visionary leaders who are not just prepared but poised to elevate their companies to new heights.”

To be eligible for the C-Suite Sprint, startups must either be in New Mexico or intend to move there. Participants must commit to a weekly two-hour online session for the entire cohort period and be actively engaged in technology-driven innovation.

For more information about the C-Suite Sprint, contact Murguia at , or apply at .

The full article can be seen at

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