July 24 is National Tequila Day and Aggie fans can soon get their salt and limes ready to top off their tequila cocktails, say cheers, or simply enjoy on the rocks, with the latest New Mexico State University licensed product — Tepozán Tequila: The Crimson Edition.

The recent collaboration is between NM State Athletics and Tepozán Tequila with Matthew Hechter, owner and NMSU alumnus, and his co-founder Chris Brandon. Fans can get their first taste of the tequila during a launch event from 5 to 9 p.m. Thursday, August 8, at Elephant Ranch, located at 3995 W. Picacho Ave. in Las Cruces.

"This is an extremely exciting collaboration that I have been waiting for quite some time to launch. Many members of Aggie Nation ask me when we would align ourselves with a tequila company and today is finally here," said Mario Moccia, director of athletics at NMSU. "Our licensed products have been very popular with our fans statewide and nationally. Specifically, Pistol Pete's 1888 Ale and Pistol Pete's Six Shooter Rye Whiskey have not only been popular, but also very profitable from a licensing revenue standpoint."

Both Hechter and Brandon grew up in the Land of Enchantment and met at Oñate High School in Las Cruces. Their friendship then blossomed into a partnership that would see its success flourish in and beyond New Mexico.

"Chris and I began opening restaurants in New York City and Los Angeles over a decade-long span. With this experience, we decided to launch our own tequila of the highest standards and quality," Hechter said. "95% of the tequila on the shelf is full of artificial additives and food coloring. Our brand, Tepozán, is 100% additive free."

The duo launched the tequila brand in 2019, alongside Don Carlos Padilla, who grows their own agave and produces Tequila Tepozán at the Tepozán distillery located in San Julián, Jalisco. Hechter explained it's been a unique process that allows them to be meticulous with the quality and integrity of the product.

"The taste profile is a bit different if you are not used to drinking additive free tequilas," he said. "Most big brands use a lot of artificial vanilla so many consumers have been tricked to think this is natural in a Blanco tequila. You will also quickly realize Tepozán has a very clean finish with almost no bite, and this is because of how clean the tequila is. The highest quality agave, mineral water from a well, and natural yeast. That's it!"

Along the way, the brand has raised money among a strong strategic network and investors including Camila Cabello, Diplo, James L. Brooks, Sean Malto, Phil Rosenthal and more.

Joining the club of collegiate licensed products at NMSU, Hechter and Brandon both have deep-rooted ties with Las Cruces and want to help support the university and student-athletes.

"We also wanted a product the community could be proud of. Our tequila is one of the highest awarded, which is a great foundation to build the partnership on," Hechter said. "We are very excited to contribute to NM State Athletics and we hope to add value in any way possible to provide for a better experience for our athletes."

"As I have said collaborating with a national brand owned by an NM State alum, a product that is universally seen as top quality in the industry and is available statewide and revenue from licensing going to assist our 16 sports and 400+ student-athletes is a win, win, win situation," Moccia said.

Fans in Las Cruces can expect to find the tequila at Kelly's liquors, the NMSU Golf Course, Pete's Patio, The Game I and II, and Jubilation Liquor store in Albuquerque. Tepozán Tequila also plans to launch more fun product lines along with the partnership including items such as shirts, hats, hoodies, ice coolers, and other goodies.

The full article can be seen at https://newsroom.nmsu.edu/news/nmsu-introduces-additive-free-tequila-to-aggie-branded-products/s/1a07075a-bf1c-4aac-8509-3d3069de7c83

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